Saya/Black Leather/2/Dareth/Approach the farmers

From Create Your Own Story

You tell your guards to wait there, dismount from the horse and approach the farmers showing them your open palms as a gesture of peace. They're on edge, but you made it obvious enough you came in peace so the village elder walks up to you.

He's an old man, graying hair and limping a little, his eyes still look sharp tho. "Welcome, strangers, to our modest little village" he speaks slowly while sizing you up, trying to gouge your intentions. "May I ask what brings such a well-armed group to this remote village?"

"We're just passing trough on our way to lord Goliath's castle, since it is getting dark, we would be grateful if you could provide us with a place to stay for the night" You nod your head at the small inn at the center of the village. He looks your heavily-armed entourage over doubtfully. "Offcourse, you'll be well compensated.." you say while suggestively patting your well-filled purse. Suddenly, a bright smile is plastered on the old man's face.. the power of greed, you snicker to yourself as the villagers escort you and your guards to the inn.

The old man eagerly gets down to business. "There are 25 individual rooms at 30 silvers each, and currently only three guests, we also have 7 guests staying in the common room where there is place for 50 at 10 silvers each, the luxurious room is currently unoccupied and available at a 100 silvers" he looks at you expectantly to make your choice of lodgings.

Those prices are definitely way higher than normal, you highly doubt normal travelers would pay more than 3 silvers for an individual room and maybe 1 silver or probably less to stay in the common room. The luxurious room's only purpose being to accommodate rich guests, the 100 silvers is probably a more normal price..

Well, the presence of 20 armed guests makes them nervous enough and you are obviously quite wealthy, so you guess it isn't all that unnatural for them to raise the price.

You :

Get individual rooms for the men and the luxurious room for yourself (7 gold)

You don't treat your subordinates as inferiors, get individual rooms for everyone (6 gold, 30 silver)

Take the luxurious room for yourself and have the men stay in the common room (3 gold)

You don't need luxury but you do need privacy, get an individual room and have the men stay in the common room (2gold, 30 silver)

Stay in the common room with the men (2 gold, 10 silver)

Complain about the expensive prices

Health 100 Equipment:

Full Black Leather Armor, Mother's Katana

Stamina 40
Mood Eager Inventory:


Purse 50, 00, 00
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