SM:Enter Pacific Mall

From Create Your Own Story

You quickly navigate your way across the parking lot, avoiding being run over while at the same time not lingering too long since you are down to less than half an hour left. You need every minute you could get if you are going to fulfill your end of the contract.

You enter the mall through the closest entrance which, convienantly, is also the one that brings you out into almost the direct center of the mall.

Nobody really takes any notice of you, or your attire as you stand next to the informational map and look around.

You see few people are wandering the halls, some in the shops, but none are in need of help. You spot two people playing a game of chess on one of the mall's giant chess sets and it looks as though the game is only a few moves away from completion.

Do you:

Sixty Minutes -- Current Status
Time Remaining 21:14
Location Pacific Mall: Inside
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