SM:Pacific Mall - Watch Chess

From Create Your Own Story

You head over to the giant chess board to watch the two men finish their game.

The board itself takes up most of the width of the hall and is flanked by two benches for people to sit while they consider their next move. The pieces of themselves are just short of waist-high for the average person, hollow, and made out of plastic.

"Queen takes pawn," the player using the white pieces says as he lifts up the novelty-sized chess piece and moves it across the board. He exchanges it for a pawn near the other player's starting area, close to the king. He retreats to his side of the board and the black pawn joins his existing collection.

"Bishop takes Knight," the player using the black pieces says before the white player can even get back to his seat. He exchanges his black pawn near his side of the board for a white knight piece near the center of the board.

The two continue making moves back and forth for the next five minutes. They spend little time, it seems, thinking about their moves as both aggressively try to finish the match.

In the end, the white player is victorious. The black player curses under his breath and walks away, leaving a suitcase sitting on the bench.

"Hey, you forgot your suitcase!" the white player calls, but the black one just keeps walking. In fact, he seems to be walking away even faster now.

Do you:

Sixty Minutes -- Current Status
Time Remaining 14:25
Location Pacific Mall: Inside
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