Romantic Rival - Katie doesn't find anything, and decides to take her chances in the woods, rather than stay in the cabin

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Panicked and in Bondage in Public Apparel and Items: Ball Gag, Handcuffed (thumbs, hands, and ankles), Tight Nipple Clamps, Dildo (in Rectum), Motion-Active Egg Vibrator
Day, Time Saturday, about 3 o'clock am
Need to Use Bathroom None, yet
Level of Humiliation Humiliated

After about two hours, Katie decided she wasn't going to find anything here she could use to get free. That was enough time to search every drawer in this place as thoroughly as she could, as well as one or two other places where there might be something hidden.

She was disappointed. It meant she would have to stay in bondage for at least a while longer.

Several times during her search, Katie thought the roughneck was going to wake up, but every time he snorted and kept on snoring.

Now that she knew there was nothing here she could use, Katie thought there was no point staying here any longer. And, frankly, she didn't want to be here when the roughneck woke up. She had no doubt what he had in mind for her, and she wanted not part of it.

Katie walked over to the door. She was a little faster than she had been so far. She felt the vibrator come on as she walked. That was one advantage of her slow movements so far; she hadn't activated the thing once while she was searching the cabin. But that was clearly a thing of the past. She sucked in her breath and kept as quiet as she could while a wave of pleasurable feelings flooded her body. She wondered how long she could keep this up.

Then she was outside the cabin.

Now she had a new problem. Since she had kept her eyes closed as the roughneck carried her here, Katie wasn't entirely certain which direction she needed to go to get back to the road. She had a rough idea, but she wasn't certain if she was right.

Still, she had to do something. Katie took one last glance back at the sleeping man, then started walking.

Romantic Rival - Katie manages to reach the road, but is she traveling in the right direction?

Romantic Rival - Katie gets lost in the woods

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