Romantic Rival - Katie manages to reach the road, but is she traveling in the right direction?

From Create Your Own Story

Condition Panicked, Discouraged and in Bondage in Public Apparel and Items: Ball Gag, Handcuffed (thumbs, hands, and ankles), Tight Nipple Clamps, Dildo (in Rectum), Motion-Active Egg Vibrator
Day, Time Saturday, about 3 o'clock am
Need to Use Bathroom None, yet
Level of Humiliation Humiliated

Katie walked all night through the dark woods.

It was slow going, and she would much rather have stayed in one place and waited for daylight, but she wanted to get as far away from the drunken, disgusting roughneck and his filthy cabin as she could. Merely the thought of his rough manner, his vile breath, and the memory of what he wanted to do to her was enough to make Katie shudder. She didn't want to be anywhere near him when he woke up, and she didn't want to be in these awful woods any longer than she had to.

So she walked.

It wasn't easy. Out here, far from any city lights, the woods were almost black. To Katie, the trees looked like ghosts, gray shapes that came suddenly into her vision, then disappeared. They were close when she saw them, not more than five or ten feet away, she guessed. Fortunately, the woods weren't too thick, so she could generally move around the trees, although slowly and carefully.

Although Katie could just see the trees, she couldn't see much else. The night was so dark that, when she looked at the ground, she couldn't see her bare feet; when she looked at the sky, she couldn't see stars, couldn't see much except the tops of the trees.

More than once, Katie walked into a tree that appeared in front of her before she could avoid it. Fortunately, her progress was slow because of her shackles, the dark night, her fear of what was in the dark, and her concerns about activating the vibrator, so she didn't hit the trees very hard. However, even a gentle impact stung as the rough bark scraped her body. The first time it happened, Katie gasped involuntarily. The second time, she kept silent, not wanting to make more noise than she had to. The third time, no longer caring, Katie swore under her breath.

The biggest issue she had was that she simply couldn't be certain she was heading in the right direction to get back to the road. Every so often, she thought she heard, distantly, the sound of a vehicle passing by, and she also thought the woods in front of her were somehow less thick. However, she couldn't really pin down the vehicle sounds -- they could have been coming from anywhere. And the woods in front of her being thinner was wishful thinking.

For all of these reasons, Katie was very lucky. As she walked, the woods slowly got lighter, making it easier to see. The temperature became colder, however, and soon it was quite chilly. The cooler air caused Katie to speed up, which activated the vibrator. She moaned into her gag as the pleasurable feelings of the active device washed over her.

Finally, the sun came up. Katie kept walking. She was tired by this point, having walked all night, but she was too scared to sleep, and, anyway, she wanted to keep walking, as it was the only way she could think of to get out of this nightmare.

Finally, she came to the end of the treeline. She stopped walking, stood just inside the treeline, and looked out. Just feet away was a grass verge. Beyond that was the road. She looked both ways. She couldn't see the bar or the gas station, which meant she must have come out on the road further down, but that was okay with her. Katie still didn't want to meet anyone if she could possibly avoid it. One drunken roughneck getting the wrong impression at a time when she could do nothing to prevent it was quite enough.

It was light by the time Katie reached the road. She wasn't surprised. The roughneck was a tall man, with a long stride, and he'd walked for what must have been several hours to get to that cabin. Katie was smaller with shorter legs, shackled so that she could barely shuffle, and further restricted by the dildo up her butt and the vibrator up her pussy.

All of which meant that, by her best estimate, it was about nine o'clock.

Shit, Katie thought. She'd gone out jogging about eight o'clock last night. She'd already been out here more than 12 hours. It was Saturday morning now.

The tension of the last 12 hours or so, combined with the realization of how far she still had to go, caused Katie to start sobbing quietly. She let the tears come while she surveyed the road. The road stretched from left to right in front of her, disappearing into the distance in both directions. Not far away, to her right, Katie saw, was another road, crossing this one at a 90 degree angle.

She thought this road in front of her was the right one, but she couldn't be sure; maybe it was the crossroad. She could have been turned around: if she left the cabin going a different direction than she had been brought in by, she might have passed the correct road, and found this one.

So, the correct road could be either one.

Katie stood inside the treeline, sobbing, while she tried to make up her mind which road to take

Does Katie take the:

Romantic Rival - Road in front of her (the correct road)

Romantic Rival - Crossroad (the wrong one, but Katie won't figure that out for quite a while)

Romantic Rival - Before she can decide, someone grabs her tits from behind and squeezes until they hurt, startling her

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