PAGNM: Accept Artie's invitation to move in with him

From Create Your Own Story

"I'd like that," you murmur. You put down Artie's address.

he helps you quickly fill out the rest of the paperwork, and you turn in the monstrous pile to the clerk. She efficiently processes it.

As you walk back to Artie's car with him, your new student ID and class schedule in hand, you think about how lucky you were to meet up with Artie.

The first couple of weeks are a sharp transition for you. College work is much tougher than high school work. But Artie helps guide you through the rough spots, and soon you have a routine that you can handle.

Every night, you and Artie snuggle naked. He never makes an attempt to initiate anything, but it's clear that if you do, he'll be very receptive. And finally, you get a breather in your schedule. You've been too tired to attend to your sexual needs, but like every 18 year old, they are quite strong. Artie, of course, is gently holding your naked body against his.

Modesty 5 Partners:

None; you're still a virgin!

Condoms 0
Age 18

Click to start over: A portrait of an American Girl Named Myra


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