Mia/Slave/Infirmary- Ask for help

From Create Your Own Story

You have to, you decide. You sit up straight and, ignoring the small tears that are welling up from speaking out so suddenly, ask him to help you (in the quietest voice you can).

He doesn't seem fazed by your question, but merely sighs. "Don't trust someone who you've barely met, girl. Especially when you know they work with slavers. What if I try and tell everyone outside about that and get you trussed and bound, thrown off to the next rich bastard who walks in here for free?" His admonishment leaves you speechless, and you sit there, trying to make yourself as small as possible.

"And on top of that, why should I bother helping someone I've barely met? If they find out that I helped you escape, I'd probably be beaten within an inch of my life - and chances are they wouldn't know when to stop. I may not look it, but I've my health and an education - I have enough to live for. Give me a reason to help you here."

You're about to fall back onto the mattress before you notice a slight glint in his eyes. It seems like he wants a reason.


Appeal to his sense of honour

If you run, maybe he can have a chance at escape?

Does he really want to leave another girl to his sister's fate?

Health 20 Equipment:


Stamina 20
Mood Hopeful Inventory:


Purse 00, 00, 00
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