Mia/Gladiator/Scar/Nod towards the woman

From Create Your Own Story

You nod towards the woman, feeling your blood rush trough your veins. You're surprised at the eagerness you feel to put your fighting skills to the test since you never felt any particular attraction towards fighting before. If anything you've always hated the idea of hurting others or being hurt. Yet you can't deny feeling giddy at the prospect of trading blows with this woman. Your face flushing at the memory of yesterdays' aftermath.

Mistaking the blush as a result of your shyness, the woman smirks at you and tries to grab your arm but you gracefully twirl around her and dart towards the fighting area. You look back to see the woman standing there stupefied. You wave over at her to join you and she grins broadly as she readies her huge two handed falchion and advances on you. "Eager huh, little bird? I like that!"

She eyes you closely and inches closer to you with her weapon at the ready.

You :

Can't suppress the adrenaline streaming trough your veins and initiate the attack

Suppress the adrenaline in your system and inch closer to her keeping your mind calm and ready for whatever is to come

Assume a defensive stance and contain your excitement, your very being ready to explode into action at a moment's notice

Health 60 Equipment:

Gladiator's Outfit, Dual Scimitars

Stamina 100
Mood In Battle Inventory:


Purse 00, 00, 00
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