Marissa, one of Elizabeth's teammates on the cross-country team

From Create Your Own Story

"Hello, Elizabeth," Marissa says. "This your girl?"

"Yes," Elizabeth replies, putting her arm around you. "This is my girl."

"Rats," Marissa grumps. "I wanted you for myself. Well, see you at practice."

Elizabeth giggles. "Okay."

After school, you hang around to watch the team practice. Some of them are good, some of them not quite as much. Miss Berry, the coach, walks over to you after practice.

"We can always use more runners," she says. "You look like you have the right build. Want to join us? Next practice is in 2 days."

"Um... my girlfriend is on the team," you reply, pointing to Elizabeth. "Will that be a problem?"

"Not at all," Miss Berry says.

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Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Nerd
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Elizabeth
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