Head off for the next village - SAO:LW

From Create Your Own Story

Previous Choice

Kayaba's message was clear to you: In order to survive this beautiful but cruel world, you must have to become strong, stronger than you ever were. Despite it being late, it didn't matter to you whether you would tire yourself out by putting too much strength into combat at this time of day, especially after your little grind. With your current level and skill, the first floor would be a hack 'n slash for you and your trusty Rookie Sword. Just like that, you dash off into the fields, leaving the stressful and chaotic crowd behind you, behind. While sprinting towards the next village and piercing your blade through Frenzy Boars, you could see a black-haired boy do the exact same thing in the distance. The two of you catch each other's glimpse, and smile towards each other with a courageous smile. The black-haired boy must be glad to see someone with the exact same thought.

When arriving in the next area, you can see a relatively big town in front of you. Not knowing whether this is a dungeon or a normal town, you take your chances and head in. Upon entering, the place seems like a resting area, just like the first town you were in. Although this place seems way more lively and less crowded with NPC's. It will be a matter of time until a lot of other players will join the place though, so you decide to head for an inn as soon as possible, before other players come. You indeed find one, and you manage to fall asleep quickly. Of course, you're still shocked of the fact that 10.000 people are trapped in the game, but you will have to deal with it, you say to yourself. You will have to live with this, for the following days, weeks, months, maybe even years...


Health 1755/2500 Equipment:

Unequipped Rookie Sword

Col 1191
Level 9
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