Downfall/The front first 2

From Create Your Own Story

Cate kneels in front of you. "Raise your feet, one by one," Cate says. She checks the sole of your feet, just in case. "Clean." She attentively checks your legs up to your hip.

"Spread your legs," she says.

"Can't you at least buy me a drink before you that?" you ask innocently.

Cate laughs and sprays a bit of saliva against your thigh. "Sorry," she says,and wipes it away. "You little slut couldn't drop your clothes quick enough, how am I supposed to know you wanted a drink?"

"Touché," you say. You make a side step for Cate to check your inner thighs. She doesn't find anything of interest there.

"Turn around and hold still," Cate commands. You can feel a source of heat close to your shoulder, probably a glowing branch. "Now the other one."

She repeats the procedure at your thigh and grunts when the leech lets go. "That bitch is done for."

"Hold your hair up," she commands.

You do as you are told. Her fingers dance over your neck, then move to your left armpit. "Just a leaf," she murmurs. And after a pause: "Your back's all right."

"Your backside is cool," Cate says. Now you can finally wash yourself. While going to the river, you become aware how sensitive the soles of your feet are. You flinch whenever tripping on a stone or something else. Carefully you tread into the creek. It is broad, but not deep. At it's deepest, the water reaches up to your knee. The water is cool, but not cold. You wade in and sit down. You wash the sand off your body, first from the waist down, then from your upper body. Then you dive under, wash your hair, then return to the camp.

While Cate is at the river, you you sit next to the fire and enjoy the warmth. Ten minutes later, Cate returns and sits next to.

"You think the kids are okay?" you ask.

"They are clever, and they have the supplies from the lifeboat."

"I should go to the beach and check."

"It's too dark now, you'll get lost. They will be all right, we can check on them in the morning."

You sit down by the fire.

State of Clothing naked


Inventory T-Shirt; Shorts; Bra; Panties; Sneakers; Eggs; Bananas
Surroundings Bonfire
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