Downfall/Keep an eye on Kirsten 2

From Create Your Own Story

You follow Kirsten to another section of the store. She picks three bracelets from a rack - small plastic trinkets, priced 4.99 - and slips them on her wrist. A middle-aged, blonde woman also browses the rack. She seems to be indecisive. She holds more than ten different of the cheap items in her hands.

Kirsten is standing at a mirror, checking how the bracelets look against the color of her shirt. Just when the woman gets closer, Kirsten makes a small step backwards. The woman stumbles into Kirsten and drops everything she holds. The woman apologizes for being clumsy, but you can't help but to think Kirsten watched the mirror to time her back step to cause the collision.

Kirsten kneels down to help the woman to pick up the bracelets. For one moment, all you can see is a cascade of blonde hair - Kirsten's straw blonde hair and the woman's dark blonde hair. They both stand up. Kirsten still has three bracelets around her wrist, but something is odd. You need a moment to notice that one of the bracelets mysteriously changed its color from orange to black. So, there you have it. She must have used the incident to swipe a bracelet and replace it with one of those dropped by that woman.

Kirsten puts the bracelets from her wrists back on the rack and wanders away. The woman surprisingly comes to the conclusion that she doesn't like any of the bracelets. She returns them to the rack and heads for the exit. As if out of nowhere, a small man appears and holds the arm of the woman.

"Head of security, Ma'am," he says. "You need to follow me to the office."

"Why?" the woman says, a surprised tone in her voice.

"Do you really want to discuss this in public?" he asks.

"I don't know what you want from me. Security, you say?"

"Head of security, Ma'am," he says. "Please, come with me to the office.

"I don't know why, this surely is a mistake."

"In that case, we shouldn't let anyone witness this, and nobody would draw the conclusion you did something wrong, don't you think, Ma'am? But I assure you, I do not make mistakes."

"I don't like your tone, mister. And what do you think you will do 'at the office'?"

"The security team will have to ensure you aren't hiding stolen property, Ma'am."

"Stolen property?" She laughs. "Now I see where this is headed. Planning a little strip search, are we? You petty, petty man."

"Of course I would not perform the search myself. I have a woman in my security team who will be on duty in a few hours."

"A few hours? I have tickets for the on-board theater, and I need to eat something. No way I am going to wait for hours."

"Ma'am, you cannot go before we performed the search."

"No way!"

They exchange arguments back and forth, but naturally, there is no middle way. The woman looks around and notices you. "Excuse me? Excuse me? Could you help me, please?" She waves at you.

On your left, you see Kirsten leaving the shop. Now, what are you going to do? If you let Kirsten get out of your sight, you won't be able to catch her; she is going to get rid of the evidence. But can you let the woman suffer for Kirsten's mistake?

State of Clothing Shirt; Jeans; Bra; Panties; Shoes


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