Downfall/Grudgingly do the dishes, then have revenge if possible

From Create Your Own Story

Well, you can't say simply say you won't make the dishes, can you? You doubt Julianne would appreciate this kind of behavior after the long drive and making dinner. Debra has a degree in getting out of chores. Luckily, the dishes are done quickly. It is not so much the time taken, it is that she manages to do this kind of stuff again and again without it backfiring on her. That has to stop - one way or another.

You hang the towel up.Hmm? Where might that little devil be? You only see Kirsten. "Hey, Kir, where is Debra?"

"She went outside. Mum said there is a lake close to the house, she wanted to see how far away it is."

State of Clothing Shirt; Shorts; Boxer shorts


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