CBP: Get Up and Walk Out in the Middle of the Let's Play

From Create Your Own Story

You put your controller down and stand up.

"Uh, Geoff," Michael starts, "middle of a let's play here."

But you're not listening. You make your way out of the room and into the hallway. All around, you can hear the sounds of ongoing productions. In the room opposite yours, you see Barbara and Gus sitting at their desks, working hard. You think about heading over there, when your phone vibrates. Pulling it from your pocket, you see that it's your wife, Griffon, asking you how your day's going. Attached is a picture. You click on it and realize that it's a a picture of her bare tits with the caption, "Missing You." Aaron Marquis passes you in the hallway and manages to catch a glimpse of your wife's breasts.

"Niiiice," he says.

You feel your cock starting to grow in your pants.

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