A Girl's Night Out/Try to take off her jeans.

From Create Your Own Story

Sliding your smaller hands from her grasp, you trace your fingers down the front of her body until you feel the cold metal of her belt buckle. Without protest, she lowers her hands to your arms, then to your fumbling fingertips.

“Woah there,” she says softly, closing her hands over yours and kissing your forehead. Her smile is decidedly shier now. “That’s somethin’ we gotta take to the basement.”

The reality of what you want to do is exciting and intoxicating. “Oh yeah, the bouncer told me about that.”

“So… is that really okay?” she asks, her hands still clasping yours. She’s clearly nervous, but still confidently looking you in the eyes. That quiet bravery makes you want her even more.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

“I’d rather keep going in here, actually… it’s kind of exhilarating.”

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