A Girl's Night Out/“Yeah, I’d like that.”

From Create Your Own Story

The way her face lights up is cute in direct contrast with her sexy smile. “Then I guess we’d better get over there.”

She has a bit of trouble getting out of the stall, but she makes due with less of your support than before. You start to wonder if maybe she was leaning against you so much on purpose.

Right as you exit the bathroom, you see Layla about to enter.

“Hey,” she says, looking over Jay. “I was coming in to check on you, but you look a lot better now.” She grins knowingly. “Guess you got a little pick-me-up.”

“Maybe.” The woman shrugs and waves at the bartender, seeming to say ‘better luck next time’. “We’re headin’ down to the basement.”

Layla spins on her heel with a long, drawn out sigh. “Even I know when I’ve lost.” She smiles at you over her shoulder. “But you’d better come back, y’hear?”

You catch a bit more of her true accent. “I will!”

“Good.” She moves into the wave of the crowd. “’Cause next time, I get to treat you.”

Her parting words send a shiver down your spine. Jay silently curses her old rival and squeezes your hand. “Let’s go.”

The two of you make your way across the room through the crowds of chatting and dancing women, which seem to have thickened with nightfall. The pounding of your heart reverberates throughout your body. You spot the stairway to the basement and head for it. The sign hanging beside it welcomes you as you begin your descent.

Jay slips on a few steps. “Careful,” you whisper, afraid to make any loud noise. Entering the basement feels like entering another world. In a sense, that’s what you’re doing.

Night spreads all around you until you’re surrounded by near darkness at the very bottom of the stairs. You start hearing others, their small sounds of pleasure floating on the warm air. As your vision adjusts, the furniture comes into view.

“There’s an empty one,” Jay says, pointing to a couch not far from the entrance. “Kinda surprising.”

You nod at no one and squeeze her arm tight. Nothing could have prepared you for what you’re about to do. It’s scary, but you want it so much. The desire that’s been accumulating all night is desperate for release.

“C’mon,” she says, taking your hand and lowering you toward the couch. Warm cushions collapse beneath your body as you land. You feel helpless in the dark with your body exposed, waiting for her to take you.

Jay stands in front of the couch, the outline of her body strong and sure against the backdrop of night. She shrugs off her biker jacket and undoes her belt. Both fall to the floor, the clank of the buckle muffled by the leather.

“Don’t you wanna take off your shoes?”

“Oh.” You kick off your heels as she unties her boots. “Sorry…”

She chuckles and crawls onto the couch. A second later she’s on top of you, shielding you from the world. All you know are those fiery eyes that look over you protectively, and the intent lying behind them. You blush darkly as she takes your face into her calloused hands.

“You’re adorable, ‘yknow that?”

She kisses you harder this time, pushing your head back into the cushion. Every bit of her is sliding over you slowly, like a river of fire. Her lips caress yours tenderly, and your body submits itself. This already feels amazing.

“I’m not all that,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around her shoulders. “But thank you.”

She breaks from your lips to kiss your neck, sending sudden pleasure throughout your body. You never realized your neck was so sensitive…

A small groan escapes your throat before you can hold it back. You feel her stomach tense up against yours, hard and muscular. She sucks on your neck more insistently, opening her mouth to bite a little. It tickles.

“You are,” she insists, her voice muffled by your skin. “I wouldn’t want you this much if you weren’t.”

Her hand wanders over your breast, teasing your already hard nipple. God, these stupid clothes… you want them off already!

Start taking off her clothes.

Tell her she can take off your clothes.

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