Fantasy RPG Plot Hooks/Wilderness/Kill 'em With Kindness

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Kill 'em With Kindness

Wilderness, High-Magic

"Throw them into the Pit of Beautiful Flowers!" yells the tiny fairy princess!

"I'm so sorry it had to be this way," she says, "but you've clearly violated the Compact of Niceness, Fairness and Decency. I can't show favoritism by giving you a lighter sentence just because you're strangers in our lands. However, it doesn't seem very nice to let you be punished for not knowing our local customs. So I'll have to be thrown in too."

The party and the little pixie princess are led to the edge of an enormous pit lined with plentiful flowering vines and plants of many exotic varieties. The surprisingly strong little fey guards hurl the tied and bound (maybe gagged) party members into the deep but benign looking hole.

The fall should be enough to rough the group up a quite bit but not nearly enough to be a serious threat to life or limb. The princess seems to be entirely unfazed by the ordeal, though her tiny wings may have something to do with that.

She loosens the bonds of the nearest prisoner, and yells "Good luck!" as she quickly flies back up to the top. The gathered crowd of pint-sized spectators clap and cheer as she makes it out. Then they start shouting encouragement and advice to the prisoners still at the bottom.

The sides of the pit are covered in roots and vines so it's an easy climb. Well it would be if the players didn't have to contend with toxic thorns, paralyzing pollen and soporific scents. A variety of obstacles present themselves to those trying to climb the sides or even getting too close to the plants. The onlookers exclaim excitedly when they climbers make progress and gasp appropriately when they slip, slide or (heaven forbid) fall off and hurt themselves worse.

Anyone trying to climb out will have to face a difficult but ultimately non-life threatening ordeal; those who escape the Pit are congratulated and forgiven, usually. Hopefully they learned their lessons and didn't violate the Compact of Niceness, Fairness and Decency again while down in the pit or immediately after getting out. The details and term of the Compact are up to the GM, but it's recommended that any attacking or rudeness leveled at the spectators or fairy court is a violation. A particularly belligerent character could be in for a world of hurt getting thrown into the Pit repeatedly.

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