Book of Spells

From Create Your Own Story

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It's a book that increases your magical powers and teaches you new ones. Different spells can be used when provided by the story. Also, by price, we mean how much MP is lost from casting. Some prices may change depending on how much you do, like for Water and Nature.

Fire - Casts a fireball at the target. Price: Low

Water - Lets you manipulate nearby water. Without nearby water, this spell is useless. Price depends

Nature - Makes plants grow anywhere they can at a rapid pace. Can let other plants grow faster as well. Without soil or much space, this effect is near useless. Price depends

Ice - Freezes it's target. Price: Medium

Light - Summons a bright, yet quickly fading, light. Price: High

These are just five (5) of 10 spells. We are going to add more soon!

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