Saya/Armor/1/Lord Gareth

From Create Your Own Story

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"We'll be taking you to Lord Goliath. I believe you know him, no?"

Well, it'd be hard not to at least know the name, his army accounts for almost a third of the entire nation's army. You remember Lord Goliath used to visit the castle some years back, mostly to talk to your father. If you remember correctly, he should be 57 years old, almost three times your age. Well, you always did feel attracted to older men... as in 5 years older than you anyway, but hey, your father's only 59. "Isn't he a little.. too old for me?" you ask worriedly.

Duran chuckles "Nah, lass I think he's perfectly fine for you."

"But.. isn't he like three times my age?" you almost shout at him. Duran bursts into uncontrolled laughter while Xavier smirks smugly on the side, the glare you reward them with would make lesser men run for their lives but these two are unfazed. Eventually Duran recovers from his laughing fit, though he takes his sweet time doing so and you're on the verge of attacking him out of frustration when he finally speaks.

"I'll be taking you to Lord Goliath, but the one you're marrying is obviously his son. Lord Goliath's been married for almost 40 years, you even met with his wife and son." Duran manages to squeeze out between aftershocks of laughter. It all falls into place, you totally forgot about that. Your face goes bright red as you realize how of a fool you made out of yourself.

"Well, that was a long time ago!" you try to defend yourself "I was only 9 years old back then right? That's 11 years ago!" Duran just stands there with a big grin from ear to ear and nods. "Aye lass and his son, Gareth, should be 4 years older than you, which makes him 24 now" You remember a tall, lean boy whose hands looked more worn-down from sword training than yours - quite an accomplishment, your mother was a harsh trainer even back when you were little. the memory is vague but you believe you were rather fond of him. Your thoughts are pulled back to the present as Duran continues "Can't believe I haven't seen the energetic brat since he was 13, I wonder how much he's changed?".

"umm" You nod, humming in agreement. If Gareth is anything like your memory of him, you might actually be getting into this marriage - in as far as you weren't already getting impatient to be allowed to go all the way with a man.

Then you suddenly remember why his name puts you on edge. You sparred with him back when he last visited and lost. You may have only been a kid at the time and the memory was all but forgotten, still, you fully intent to get a rematch first thing after finding him.

Duran notices the battle-ready look on your face and frowns "Err.. you are going there to marry him, not decapitate him right? Just verifying". You give him a wicked grin, then you ask him with puppy-eyes "Can I do both?". He rolls his eyes at you "What's gotten ye so worked up?". Grinning, you reply "I remembered he still owes me a rematch after beating me 11 years ago and I intent to collect" that said, you eagerly get on a horse, no way in hell you'll be patient and get in the damn carriage. A great fight awaits!

You :

Start your journey to Lord Goliath's domain, ditching the servants and carriage.

Health 1000 Equipment:

Full Black Leather Armor, Heirloom Katana, Silver Necklace

Stamina 1000
Mood Eager Inventory:

Custom throwing knives

Wealth 17 Aruns
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