Arturia/Ruairi/Stab the beast *Light Dress 1*

From Create Your Own Story

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You quickly gather your feet under you and launch yourself into the attacking beast with your sword first, piercing trough it till the blade is buried in its chest all the way to the hilt. That doesn't stop its claw however, which crashes down on your left shoulder and tears trough your flesh. You fall to your knees clutching the wound.

You aren't given any respite however as the remaining beasts quickly tear apart some of the traders who foolishly tried to join the fight and turn to face you. The remaining traders cower together, frightened by the quick and horrible deaths of their friends. You ready yourself quickly, ignoring the pain in your shoulder, then they pounce on you.

You :

Dodge the first one and slash your sword at the second beast

Stab the first one and use its body to shield yourself from the other beast

Hold your ground and fight defensively, hoping you can last until your soldiers arrive to relieve you

Health 70 Equipment:

Bloodied Light Dress, Fine Longsword

Stamina 65
Mood Wounded & In Battle Inventory:


Purse 50, 00, 00
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