Arturia/Ruairi/Stab the first one and use it as a shield *Light Dress 1* Wounded*

From Create Your Own Story

Rather than defending yourself, you step forward and stab the charging beast. It is impaled on your sword by the force of its own charge, you try to push its corpse into the other beast but the pain in your shoulder makes it impossible to use too much strength. The corpse falls down at your feet and the other beast charges you while you're recovering. You fall forward and roll trough its legs, it stands there for a moment, confused. It soon regains its bearings tough and advances on you again. Having had enough time to recover, you bring down your sword on the attacking beast and cleave its skull in two.

You feel exhausted after that battle and the pain in your left shoulder is overwhelming. After taking a moment to collect yourself you stand up and look around. You hear victory cries resound from back where the others were fighting and you start to feel relieved, just then you notice movement in the underbrush and a huge werewolf emerges. You slash your sword at him with one arm, but he flicks it aside like an annoying insect and grabs you by the throat, ramming you into a nearby tree. Dazed from the impact and with a wounded shoulder, you are helpless as he chokes the life out of you with a wolfish grin on his face.

Soon, your vision goes black and you pass out. The last thing you remember is being dropped to the ground and picked up by a sharp claw digging into your flesh.

Wake up to darkness

Health 40 Equipment:

Bloodied Light Dress, Fine Longsword

Stamina 0
Mood Unconscious Inventory:


Purse 50, 00, 00
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