R: Ask about your physical capabilities

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:14, 19 October 2011 by Heyoeveryone (Talk | contribs)

"When I wasn't inside this small room," You ask the voice politely, "Was I really strong or fast in any way? Did I play any sports?"

"Ahh, well, I remember when you were younger you used to play for the local Football team," The voice answers," 'The Cheetah's'. You weren't exactly the best player, I think you scored a few goals here and there, but not as much as some of the other people in your team. Your team if I remember correctly won a championship on the last year you were on the team, I remember you coming back that afternoon..."

He suddenly pauses,"I answered your question already, there is no need for me to continue."

It seems he knows more about you than you originally thought. You try to investigate.

"I think there is. I need to know who I-"


You get shaken up by his outburst, it seems you have touched a sensitive nerve. Investigate?

Or maybe you should switch the subject entirely.

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