You pass out and wake up up John's place.

From Create Your Own Story

Cold metal wakes you up as you find yourself naked cuffed to some railings of some stairs. It's dark, but some light peers down on you from a door above. You must be in someone's basement. No, not someone, you're in John's basement. You try to move but your legs suddenly give out as pain shoots up your back. You just now notice the ribbed dildo that had been shoved up your ass. From how raw you feel, you don't doubt that you ass has been rammed a couple times while you were passed out.

You don't hear anyone upstairs right now. You could:

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Cuffs, 8-inch dildo

Status Cold and Naked
Gender Female
Social Group Rebel
Boyfriend/Girlfriend {{{Boyfriend/Girlfriend}}}
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