Take a good look at your surroundings.

From Create Your Own Story

There's a tool box on the other side of the room, definitely out of your reach, but useful if you manage to free yourself. You notice as well quite a few beer bottles lying on the ground, and you shudder at the thought of John just sitting there in the beanbag chair, staring at your naked body. But before you can think of how to get out of here, footsteps star coming through the door.

"Looks like you finally woke up, Cumhole," John's voice says as he comes down. "Damn, wish the other guys didn't leave. We had so much fun while you were knocked out, I'm sure you would've liked it too."

He drags the beanbag chair up to you and sits down. All you can do is stare at him and struggle when he starts to play with your breasts.

"Fuck off," you tell him, "get me the fuck out of here you bastard."

John suddenly punches you in the stomach so hard you vomit. What comes out wasn't your lunch, a puddle of white splurge, adding to the list of thing you know they did to you while you were unconscious.

"Dumb bitch," he says, standing up. He walks across the room. "You're a cumhole now, got it? No one's going to think you're missing, you barely show up to class anyway. They might just you skipped town."

"Someone will get suspicious," you threaten him.

John laughs. "Really, who?" He grabs the toolbox and brings it back to his beanbag chair. You hesitate to think, realizing he might be right about no one thinking to look for you.

"Only thing anyone's gonna miss is that tight pussy of yours." He pulls out a couple pliers and holds your throat tight while he clamps them onto your nipples. You gasp in pain, the teeth of the metal pliers biting into the sensitive skin. John quickly unzips his pants and steps closer to you. John reaches down into your ass and removes the dildo, only quickly stuff it back in through your pussy. He lets you scream as he grabs a spring clamp to hold your pussy closed.

He makes sure every last in of the dildo goes in before sealing you shut. As much as you hate him, you can help but tear up from the pain. John wipes your cheeks with his dick and shushes you.

"Don't cry, Cumhole," he smirks. "Let's make that face pretty again."

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Cuffs, 8-inch dildo, 2 pliers

Status Cold and Naked and Hurting
Gender Female
Social Group Rebel
Boyfriend/Girlfriend {{{Boyfriend/Girlfriend}}}
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