Wishful Thinking/The Girls

From Create Your Own Story

Sprawled on the couch, you wave to Lynn. She waves back. Not in the hello motion but the get the heck out now motion. All four of you follow her advice. You jump behind the couch, Stacy manages to crawl out the window you came in. Amina follows you behind the couch. Brenda stands petrified, unsure of what to do. Lynn pushes her on the couch and throws a blanket over her just in time. Lynn's mother reaches the bottom step.


"Oh, that must be them now!" Lynn cries. "Mom, could you get that?

"Oh, uh sure honey." Lynn's mom heads back up the stairs allowing you three to make your escape.

"Hi, Mrs. Whitney!" you can hear Stacy speak with Lynn's mom upstairs.

"Hi, Stac-Oh my god, Stacy, what on Earth are you doing out like that?!" You make sure to put on your clothes. "You're absolutely filthy!"

"Heh, yeah... um, new cheerleader hazing. They had me roll around in dirt." Stacy explains.

"Here, let me get the hose and clean you up..."

"Oh, no no no, it's ok, Mrs. W, I'm supposed to uh stay like this until inspection..."

"Hmm... stay out of the house until you're cleaned off..." she answers after some thought, "It's funny, from the looks of you now, you could be completely naked!"

Stacy chuckles nervously and you jump in to save her from further interrogation. "Good afternoon ma'am," you say.

"Hi, you must be the others..." Mrs. Whitney says.

"Hey guys!" Lynn says, coming from inside the house. "C'mon in!"

"Oh no! Stacy's not coming in with all that mud on her!"

"Sorry mom, it's part of the hazing process!"

"Not in my house!" Mrs. Whitney states adamantly, "If you must play your games, do it in the shed!"

"Alright, mum. Let's go guys, I'll get the hose." Lynn agrees.

After a quick spray down and towel off, Stacy is returned her dignity and her clothes. Once inside the house again, the girls return to the basement. From there, Amina and Brenda are forced out of their clothes as per the bet. "Hey, maybe we should call down your mom and see if she can tell they're naked. She almost caught Stacy red handed," you suggest with a laugh. Brenda turns beet red with the look of 'please don't' in her eyes.

"She had to step out to help out a neighbor," Lynn replies, "But that means we can watch our video from the change room in privacy. She loads up the camera to her computer and plays the tape.

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