Ask for five more minutes with your foster family

From Create Your Own Story

"Would you actually mind if I said goodbye to a couple people?" You look at the ground and shuffle your feet. You've grown attached to a couple of your "siblings" and want to say goodbye one last time.

"Alice, these people drove a long way to get you and you're already disrespecting them. It's time to go," she begins shoving you towards the door, "Thank you folks so much, but we have to get ready for the next kid coming in."

And just like that you've been forced onto another family. At least, that's how it feels.

You're so lost in thought the whole drive "home" you don't even know how many turns you made or how long you had been driving. You just know you're looking at a massive house in what looks like the middle of nowhere.

"... so feel free to go inside with him or hang out here with us, sweetie." You zone in as Tammy turns around to undo her seat belt and everyone is out of the vehicle. You get out of the vehicle, confused, giving a thankful nod to William as he hands you your garbage bag of "personal items". Hand me down clothes aren't really personal you scoff to yourself. You watch as William and Tammy begin walking away outside while Jesse walks towards the front door of the house.

Go inside with Jesse

Stay outside with William and Tammy

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