Ask Jenna to dress up as something

From Create Your Own Story

Sure, it'd be fun to get in her pants. But what if you messed it up? There would be no coming back from that. But a little dress up, now that would be fun AND recoverable. "There's a costume shop a few blocks over," you say, standing. "I've been there a few times when I created characters, so I know they have what we're looking for. Would you be interested?"

Jenna nods and smiles. "Sure! I'll grab my car keys; your little brother and sister will be fine alone, right?"

You think it over and nod. "Yeah, they're both old enough to be safe. Plus we won't be gone long. I'll bring my books so you can get an idea."

The two of you drive to the store and walk in. There's an entire section of rows dedicated to costumes for roleplayers or LARPers, so you head there and begin to look around. Jenna pours over the pictures in the book, trying to get a feel for what she should wear, asking you for input once in a while. Eventually, she's found two costumes that work for her ranger- the first has a hood and cloak, as well as light armor. It doesn't show a lot of skin, but it's tight and sexy regardless. The other is minimalist, basically amounting to a green bikini with long strips of cloth hanging down the front and sides of her legs. She looks gorgeous in both, with the green accented by her red hair and striking eyes, and her ample bust straining against the cloth.

Wracked by indecision, she turns to you and holds both up. "I dunno Ryan. Which did you like better?"

Tell her you liked the tight, covering one

Tell her you liked the revealing one

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books, D&D core book

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
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