Tell her you liked the revealing one

From Create Your Own Story

"I liked the second one, myself." You say, grinning. She rolls her eyes playfully and heads to checkout, then drives the two of you back home. Both your younger siblings have arranged to have sleepovers, so you and Jenna help them out with packing overnight bags for about half an hour. As you return to the living room, you just catch the tail end of a conversation Jenna was having on the phone.

"Yes... The blue one. You'll recognize it. Gotta go." She hangs up and turns to you, grinning broadly. "Well, we officially have the house to ourselves. What should we do?"

You flop onto the couch and drum lightly on your D&D book. You're pretty torn on what to do next; Jenna's a gorgeous gal, and from what you've seen, if you get her in that ranger costume she might genuinely let you get some. But at the same time, you actually do want to play D&D with her. It's a good game, and sex or no, it'll be nice to bond- maybe that could even lead to some romantic activity of its own?

What do you suggest to Jenna?

Grab your character sheet, let's hit a dungeon

Why don't you put on your costume?

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books, D&D core book

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
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