Schoolyard Challenge

From Create Your Own Story

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''Rei'' - []
''Appearance'': Wearing her long flowing golden brown hair freely, Rei looks like the wildcard she is. With a large bust and very nicely framed ass Rei is hit on often. Generally seen wearing a skirt Rei is often seen with ribbons or ties in her hair. While enjoying looking beautiful, Rei is not as obsessed with it than some of the other girls instead trying to put her loud personality to bear instead.
''Appearance'': Wearing her long flowing golden brown hair freely, Rei looks like the wildcard she is. With a large bust and very nicely framed ass Rei is hit on often. Generally seen wearing a skirt Rei is often seen with ribbons or ties in her hair. While enjoying looking beautiful, Rei is not as obsessed with it than some of the other girls instead trying to put her loud personality to bear instead.

Current revision as of 05:57, 4 May 2012

Schoolyard Challenge


At an all women's school, competition was fierce between the women to see which was the hottest, the most beautiful, and the most popular. Every girl had her own opinion, and there were too many girls for anyone to actually manage to select a winner in any category. In all honestly however, it came down to ten top girls every time. These girls, possibly even without knowing they were running, all went into this competition which was fierce beyond belief. Which is when the challenge finally went out. The challenge to determine which girl was actually the most sexually dominant among all the other girls. Many girls knew of the challenge, but most didn't know who was to compete. Everyone made bets and talked amongst themselves to see who had made it and many girls awaited their invitation. The 10 girls that had recieved theirs however were told to keep it a secret until the day of the challenge. So as that day came around, no one knew who would be competing.

On the night before the challenge, a sunday night before school, all of the ten girls came together as requested to meet and learn the rules of the game. They were among the top 10 girls in the school, including the most popular, the hottest, and the most beautiful. Some choices seemed as if they were obvious, others were somewhat of a shock. But in all honestly they realized every girl here deserved to be here.

The Game:

As the girls convened a mysterious screen came on to tell them the details of the challenge they would compete in the next day. Each girl would have a secret objective to complete during the following day, and by completing her own object first would be the winner of the challenge. However, their personal objective would not be revealed even to themselves until they obtained clues to it throughout the day. During the day, the girls each would recieve different cards with smaller challenges on them. The girls would have to complete these challenges to gain either items to help them, hints to their own objective, or information on the other girl's final and smaller objectives. The girls will have to go through several of these cards before their final objective will be revealed so the day will be full of activity.

Giving a demonstration of how the cards work, the screen showed a sample card. It contained three seperate boxes, each representing the three different rewards that could be made with it. The first challenge was at the top, representing a reward of an item. The information on your own objective was in the middle next to the second challenge while the third challenge at the bottom was next to a symbol representing information on your competition. For specific examples, the item challenge included getting some random girl completely naked. The own objective challenge included having an orgasm from another girl from the competition. The enemy information challenge included getting a teacher to call you mistress.

The screen continued to reveal that you could only have one card at a time. You must complete atleast one challenge on the card before trading it in for another card. You get a reward for each challenge you completed on the card. For example, if you only completed the item challenge before turning it in, you'd only get the item reward before getting your next card. If you did all three challenges before turning it in then you would recieve all three rewards. There was also a stipulation that the rewards would be greater the more you did for a card. So if you completed all three challenges on a card before turning it in your item reward would be greater of an item reward than it would be if you had just done the item reward and turned it in. This was to give girls incentive to not simply turn in their cards every time they completed a challenge.

As a bonus rule, as the screen started to finish, it said that the girls could trade cards if they wished, as long as they only had one card at a time. This meant that they could get their cards stolen by other girls. If you had completed a challenge then got your card stolen then the person who stole your card gets credit for it. The credit for the challenges shows up on the card so holding onto it is a very important task.

When this last stipulation in the rules was spoken the screen set out a deck of cards for the girls to pick from. One by one, the girls came up to select their starting card. They would get to look at it the next day as they woke for school, knowledge of their first challenges ready for them before they even got to school.

The Girls:

Saya - [1]

Appearance: Wears her pink hair often in ponytails, managing it a lot easier because of it's length. Wears glasses whenever her contacts get annoying. Generally wears skirts but covers up her impressive cleavage well. For her relatively nerdy experience she however is extremely good looking with a quite amazing ass that has the perfect amount of thickness to it. Is not skinny but is not too busty either.

Personality: A genius in her own right, Saya knows this quite well and likes to flaunt it. Always making perfect grades and doing anything she has to getting them, Saya's IQ is far beyond the normal girls. She however shoves this in peoples faces often annoying quite a few people. Generally not the most popular girl at school, Saya is well known in all of her classes. She is by far not nice either, being very blunt at times not caring about other people's feelings.

Challenge: During the challenge Saya is likely to be smart, figuring out her challenges easily and finding the best ways to complete them while still completing her classes. Saya is the most likely to figure out her own personal challenge the fastest and is smart enough to get it done if left alone. Is definantly a challenger the other girls need to stifle as much as possible. Her overconfident may get her far, but it may also be her downfall.

Eve - [2]

Appearance: With short blue hair, Eve is the epitome of beauty. A little bit smaller than the rest of the girls with no where near as big of a bust, Eve has one of the best ass's by far. Known to wear skin tight pants or shorts her ass is very well known. Eva has one of the cutest faces as well, making her quite popular with the guys and a very experienced kisser. Eve is skinny but unfortunantly is far from atheletic and does not possess much strength.

Personality: Quirky and fun Eve has been known to be anywhere from quiet to extremely outgoing. As an artist, she is very creative and sometimes has a very strange way of expressing herself. Eva is generally not accepted by most of the popular kids who think she is too weird to be at their level. However, she is popular in her own right with the majority of the other kids who all like to cheer her on. Eve is very nice but also likes to have fun. She is well liked and never wants to get on anyone's bad side.

Challenge: During the challenge Eve is expected to get creative when it comes to her challenges and is likely to be the most accepting of most of them. She will likely excell on the small ones and is expected to go for more of the item based challenges. However, it is worried that Eve will not perform well on her main objective and because of that ultimately fail. But if Eve can get far enough ahead with the small challenges it may not matter.

Yoko - [3]

Appearance: Sporting long sexy red hair, Yoko keeps most of it back in an elegant ponytail. Yoko is extremely hot, but in a different way. Her body is absolutely amazing in general, her breasts large and extremely firm while her ass is something to be admired. She looks like a typical blonde bimbo that you'd want to fuck but with red hair and a little bit more of an attitude. Always dresses crazily, if not usually revealingly.

Personality: Yoko is the typical ditzy blonde, except she is a redhead. She uses her good looks to get whatever she wants and isn't the smartest of the ten by a long shot. That being said, she is very good at getting her way. Yoko is not exactly mean, but she generally isn't nice either. She just goes to school and messes around in class causing the teachers all kinds of problems. Very outspoken Yoko has gotten into a lot of trouble but revels in the attention.

Challenge: Yoko is expected to do well when it comes to the other girls. She will likely have some kind of backup from her friends making her a very formidable force to be reckoned with. She also is not afraid to miss class to get ahead putting her in a very good position. However, she isn't the smartest and will generally try a very straight forward or blunt approach. The other players may be able to see her coming and if handled well outsmart her on the objectives.

Asuka - [4]

Appearance: Asuka appears to be your average girl, with long brownish-orange hair generally left wild and generally average clothing. Generally seen in standard blue jeans or the like Asuka is never one to dress up to impress. She however has a very earthy and genuine feel to her which some people find very attractive. She has a very slim and fit body making her look very good in tight fitting clothes or more often so gym clothes.

Personality: A very nice and calm person, Asuka is well liked. She is somewhat popular, but not because she tries. She is just friendly to everyone she meets and makes friends easily. She is also a hard worker and makes good grades because of it. While she doesn't have above average intelligence she works hard when she sets her mind to something and always succeeds in what she wants. Because of this she can be very competitive in the things she enjoys.

Challenge: While being a hard worker and nice help in school, they don't help too much towards this challenge. While Asuka doesn't have any advantages towards anything she also doesn't really have any disadvantages. If allowed to get things done she will likely succeed well. Against other opponents she is likely to do fine unless she goes up against someone in their speciality. Overall though, Asuka will in general do well across the board.

Saeko - [5]

Appearance: Sporting goregous purple hair, Saeko wears it in a long ponytail that goes down her back a good ways. With a very athletic build, Saeko is easily the most in shape of the ten. Because of this she a very toned and firm body, giving her small but very hot ass something to be very happy about. She doesn't lack in breasts either, sporting some very firm breasts over her toned and rock solid body. She however doesn't flaunt it, or even show it, usually dressed in ceremonial robes.

Personality: Quiet and contemplative, Saeko is in general a very good person. She is strong but never uses it against others unless they threaten her. She is not out for self gain, but instead self improvement. She strives for a good looking body and an athletic build but for herself and not others so never shows off. Saeko is always willing to lend a hand and is surprisingly a very good leader when it comes down to it.

Challenge: Saeko is expected to do very well when it comes to physical challenges. She isn't the most experienced sexually but she isn't a virgin either. She is very powerful and very skilled and is unlikely to be stopped in any kind of physical confrontation. She however would be a very strong ally if the other girls seek her out. If able to break out of her reservedness she can be a very strong and capable competitor that definantly has a chance to win.

Mari - [6]

Appearance: With brownish hair with a hint of red, Mari typically wears it in two longer pigtails as if two ponytails. While Mari doesn't sport the most bustful body of the group she is none the less one of the hottest. Petite and toned Mari uses her sculpted curves to her advantage often, her movements always somewhat sexual. Generally known as a tease, Mari enjoys dressing revealingly. A very beautiful girl naturally, Mari is hard to resist by anyone.

Personality: Someone of a sexual deviant, Mari is the only full out lesbian out of the 10 girls. She uses her sexuality to her advantage whenever she can. However, she is not actually very sexually active and it quite the tease. Hiding a somewhat innocent side, Mari is not as devious as she appears. Actually somewhat of a nice girl, Mari is generally well liked when she isn't stealing someone's boyfriend just for the fun of it.

Challenge: Mari is expected to be cunning and smart during the challenges. She may come out of no where and find ways to trap or surprise the other players or even have them do things she wants. As long as she has the upper hand in knowledge Mari is expected to do well. In physical encounters however she may be a little overmatched and needs to stay in more of a dominant than level position as much as possible, maybe even hiding until then. Unstoppable on top however.

Shinra - [7]

Appearance: Somewhat taller than the rest, Shinra sports long flowing raven-colored hair the outlines her body perfectly. Speaking of which, Shinra has a relatively perfect average body. She doesn't have a bustful or skinny frame but has a perfect medium with nice features to complete the set. Usually seen with somewhat of a devilish grin as if she is up to something and generally wears whatever happens to be popular at the time generally pulling it off very well.

Personality: Dominating and confident, Shinra is always the center of attention. By many considered the most popular girl in school, Shinra is good at getting what she wants and wants quite a lot. Shinra is not afraid to do whatever it takes to get what she wants even if she has to crush her friends in doing it. Everyone wants to be like her though and she encourages it very well with lots of charisma. Surprisingly Shinra is also somewhat intelligent allowing her to do these things easily.

Challenge: During the challenges Shinra is considered to do very well in almost every aspect. She is not weak in any area and is far ahead in others. Shinra should be a main target to stop during the challenges or will likely steam roll everyone else. However, Shinra may be impeded by her close following of fans. The challenges may require a more secretive or more private atmosphere that she may not be able to produce.

Rei - [8]

Appearance: Wearing her long flowing golden brown hair freely, Rei looks like the wildcard she is. With a large bust and very nicely framed ass Rei is hit on often. Generally seen wearing a skirt Rei is often seen with ribbons or ties in her hair. While enjoying looking beautiful, Rei is not as obsessed with it than some of the other girls instead trying to put her loud personality to bear instead.

Personality: Very confident, Rei is one of those girls who is always right. Anyone who gets in her way she runs over even when she knows she is wrong. Never backing down Rei is a free spirit and rather unpredictable. Roaming from different clique to crowd she has never been pinned down at once. She however is very athletic and is always in some kind of sport. She always tries to be nice but isn't always that good at pulling it off.

Challenge: Considered the wild card, it is hard to say how Rei will do in the challenges. She will do well physically but her stubborness and random attitude may get her into places she doesn't want to be. If she can control herself and not over reach she will do well. If not, she may bite off more than she can chew and find herself in some serious trouble. She has the ability to do spectacular or fail miserably.

Meko - [9]

Appearance: Sporting short crazy blonde hair, Meko looks like the standard blonde bombshell. Rocking a vulptuous and bustful small body Meko is not lacking in any way physically. Not the strongest out there, Meko is more on the bustful size despite being so small. Enjoying wearing somewhat slutty outfits, Meko is always seen with some kind of crazy expression on her face. Is also seen quite often with all kinds of jewelery.

Personality: Emotional and actually quite crazy, Meko jumps from one emotion to the next without a second thought. Enjoying toying with the emotions of others Meko trains her own and uses them to get her way often. A very selfish person, Meko always tries to get whatever she wants by offering whatever she wants. As part of the popular crowd Meko is very good at deception at this point and constantly takes people off guard who think she is just a ditzy blonde whore. Which she partially is.

Challenge: Expected to be manipulative, Meko may do very well if she manages to interact with the other girls often enough. While not the strongest Meko may actually be able to get other people to do what she wants instead and not have to do much herself. If successful Meko may be able to dictate the course of this game. However if the other girls get too far ahead Meko may not be able to do much to catch up.

Lana - [10]

Appearance: Wearing her long black hair down in a very formal fashion, Lana is generally dressed formally and holds herself as such. With somewhat of a stuck up look to her, Lana is very straight forward about her looks and dresses modestly not to make it an issue despite her amazing body. Those few who have seen it have the pleasure of seeing Lana's perfectly proportioned body not lacking in any area at all. Often seen wearing black to go with the color of her hair.

Personality: Stuck up, Lana considers herself better than most other people. A person who likes to get things done, she always has high grades and follows the rules strictly. Most people don't like her for that, but she has a certain charasmatic aura to her that people are always around her anyways. At above average intelligence Lana is a very successful person but doesn't go out too often and doesn't like the social scene.

Challenge: Expected to dominate the challenges methodically, Lana may or not be perfect for these challenges. If able to carry them out the way she wants she will be unstoppable. However, if the other girls pull her out into the open with the social scene Lana is likely more than other to be highly embaressed at the degration of her social image and suffer greatly for it. If she can pull it together however she will be very thurough with her challenges.

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