Schoolyard Challenge / Play as Yoko (3)

From Create Your Own Story

Schoolyard Challenge

Playing as Yoko, you strut up and are the third person to take a card from the deck. You take the very first card and smirk, looking at it from side to side holding it with two fingers before finally leaving. You have been instructed to return immediately home after claiming your first card and with only a little bit of pouting finally head back to your apartment. You smile as you leave though, this game is going to be a piece of cake. Half the girls playing against you don't even deserve to be there. Asuka? Saya? Lana? Those girls don't have what it takes to win. To be the best in school. In all honestly though, you try to keep it cool like the cool kid you are. You plan on dominating so no need to think too hard about it, right? Plus, you can't do anything until tomorrow anyway. Playing it cool was one thing, but these other girls were not going to know what hit them tomorrow. The week was going to be a good one as far as your concerned. As you leave, you are very confident.

Getting in your car you head back to your place you put on some loud music and crank up the volume. Despite the distraction you can't help but think about the game. Which girl was going to be a challenge. Who you'd go after first. It was all rather complicated, more so than you had initially thought. You finally hit a stop light and can't help but rip out the card again, flipping it over a few times in your hand to try and make it work. Giving up though you just toss it in the back seat at the green light and forget it there when you get home and plop down on your futon falling asleep.

The next morning your radios turns on as an alarm on time, heavy metal banging in your eardrums. Annoyingly throwing your radio you quickly get dressed in one of your favorite outfits. You slide on a blue and red flaming bra and panties, then barely manage to squeeze on some jean shorts over your hot ass before grabbing a random belt and throwing it on while making some cereal. Tossing a skull pin in your hair you are out the door in no time, just one thing on your mind as you race to your car. The next second you are in the back of your car ruffling through the cushions and finally find the card. Sitting down in the back seat it turns on and your eager eyes scan over it as you hold your breath.

Item Challenge: Get a girl completely naked on your own.

Final Objective Challenge: Make out with a teacher.

Enemy Info Challenge: Finger an opponent during class.

You instantly raise an eyebrow as you read over the three challenges, they were something else that was for sure. This game was going to be intense. But just thinking about that, you grin. Intense is your middle name. The item challenge was the most appealing, getting some other girl instead of having to do something yourself. You figure you can manage that one somehow. The final objective challenge makes you smile a little bit. The teachers are going to be surprised today to say the least. You run a few of your teachers over in your head, then smirk and change your mind. The final objective mission will probably be the easiest. The last challenge you are not too happy about however. Being as straight as they come, you draw the line after making out and groping another girl. Actually fingering her is a little too far bi for your own tastes. But if it comes to it you figure you'd probably go for it just to win. This was definantly going to be a day to remember.

Closing the door of your car and jumping into the front seat you grab your keys and speed off towards school. Time to make it happen. As you run the challenges through your mind over and over you start to consider what each one will help you with. You are very curious to see what your final goal is especially. Is it going to be as crazy as these challenges? No, probably even worse. You are practically shaking in excitement with that thought. You decide you are definantly going to go after that one more than the others. Getting items may help, so you'll spare time for them if you can. But getting information on your opponents will probably just slow you down. Your game plan is to only get those when they present themselves easily. Picking up two of your friends you finally get to school and pull up to your parking spot getting out. They are talking about the usual drama, neither seem to know about the challenge today. While usually social you don't talk to much letting them chat away, walking into the school with them. Your first class is history, which you usually skip anyways, so you figure you'll get a good start on the game. You stop suddenly then, looking to your two friends who stop talking at your sudden abruptness. "What teacher would most likely make out with someone?"

The girls both seem rather confused by the question, but being ditzy bitches don't put two and two together and quickly decide that Ms. Nami, the math teacher, is definantly the teacher of choice. She is younger than most of the teachers, is very hot, and has a bit of a wild side. They even swear that she has made out with a few of the other girls. But you are hardly listening anymore. Half way down the hall already you have your mind set up. If you can get Ms. Nami to make out with you before your class you might be able to take the time to work on one of the other two during History. You don't even think about failing, it just isn't going to happen.

But suddenly your two friends catch up to you, one talking quietly now. "Are you one of the girls in the challenge? Oh my god I know you are! You totally are popular enough! And hot as hell! Can we help?" You frown slightly, looking at the two. Apparently you had underestimated them. Your first instinct is to blow them off and deny it, it almost feels like cheating. But at the same time, getting help wasn't really against the rules. Infact, being pretty popular might as well give you some benifits. If these two girls can help you get Ms. Nami to make out with you then all the better.

(Makes out with teacher no prob if alone, teacher allies with Yoko. If with friends teacher won't, Yoko tries item challenge on them instead.[1][2]) (Final objective = Fuck every hole of every opponent)

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