Schoolyard Challenge / Play as Shinra (7)

From Create Your Own Story

Schoolyard Challenge

Playing as Shinra, you walk up and are the seventh person to take a card from the deck. After taking the second card you strut out of the place like you own it. You have been instructed to return immediately home after claiming your first card and have no problems doing so, glad to get away from such lowly competition. This game is going to be a piece of cake, hardly any of the girls back there seemed like competition at all. Saya, Lana, Asuka? They had to be joking. The only girls in the room that had any chance at this were Mari or Yoko, and they were long shots at best. Completely confident as your boyfriend picks you up in his truck you hide the card from him as you head back to his place. Tomorrow you'll finally let everyone know for sure that you are the most popular girl in school, and the most sexually dominant.

Your boyfriend tries to talk to you on your way home, but you just ignore him. He is just eye candy anyways. Stupid as bricks otherwise. But mostly you keep thinking about the game with a devilish competitive edge coming over you. You definitely want to win this and show all the other girls up. How dare they even compete against you? You devise ways of destroying them on your way home, idly touching the card in your pocket not being able to wait to get back to your boyfriends place.

Upon finally arriving you make up a reason why you are mad at him and make him sleep on the couch. Ignoring his protests and sexual attempts you finally close the door on him and strip off your pants and hop in bed pulling out the card. Turning it over and over again you are eventually dissapointed with it and put it on the pillow next to you setting your cellphone alarm for the next morning. You are surprised at how easily you fall asleep, your confidence washing over you. The next morning you are woken up by a phone call from one of your friends before the alarm goes off but promptly ignore it and turn off your alarm irritated. Which is when you remember the card, snatching it from the pillow next to you. You smirk as it lights up. The challenges are as follows:

Item Challenge: Give a blowjob in school.

Final Objective Challenge: Spank an opponent in public.

Enemy Info Challenge: Deny an orgasm.

You raise your eyebrow at the card, somewhat surprised at what you see. But you have a small smile played aross your lips, you know you are very happy on the inside. You quickly go over the three objectives a few times more to make sure you read them right. The item challenge is somewhat frustrating, there are no guys inside your all girl school. How do they expect you to do that one? The final objective challenge is what you are most interested in though. Spanking an opponent in public sounds fun and will be a great way to show the others how dominant you are. Plus, you want to know most about the final objective anyways. The enemy info challenge is just mean, and makes you smirk from head to toe. You can't wait to prey on some girl and make that happen. You briefly consider doing that and turning in the card just to get a jump on your competition.

Lost in thought you finally realize your boyfriend is beating on the door, you are almost late to school! Cursing you get dressed quickly, tugging up some very tight blue jeans and a grey tight fitting shirt before letting him in. The two of you get in an argument but eventually you get him to give you a ride to school, keeping the card close at hand. Once again you can't keep your anticipation from showing. Your boyfriend just thinks he is about to get lucky, and you briefly wonder if bringing him on campus would count for the first challenge but eventually dimiss him and send him packing and get out of the car a block away from school.

Walking up to school you are quickly met by some friends. They of course instantly want to know if you are in the challenge but you just give them a devilish smirk letting them know you are. They ask to help but you tell them you'll find them if you need them. For now, you start to think about the day. You have Math class first, your only competitor in there being Meko. While extremely hot she is too much of an idiot to be much of a threat. Then one of your friends reminds you of Eve, which you had forgotten about. The girl is so low on the popularity scale you hardly know about her.

As you are slowly walking to class you spot your math teacher, Ms. Nami, step into a side room with Yoko of all people, the two talking with big smiles. So your teacher is going to be late to class today it seems. You quickly get to class and see that this is your opportunity. Eve and Meko are here, possible targets as your friends walk in behind you. Without the teacher no one could stop you. Then again, Meko gives you a wink then looks over to a side room. You look over the room, your friends waiting behind you for your orders.

(If spanks Meko in public, goes well and Eve takes advantage getting Meko after and ties her up. Teacher eventually comes back. If goes into next room Meko suggests an alliance, wanting to aim for Eve. You get her to prove her loyalty and do the deny orgasm getting her under your thumb.) (Final objective = obtain three opponents and the principal as sex slaves)

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