Video Game Elitists
From Crapedia

Video Game Elitists (AKA failures at life) are fanboys capable of creating a huge wall of text preaching about the greatest of their ever shrinking fanbase. Usually found in cesspools of forums and youtube, they can be found enraged at simple comments, taking them the wrong way, and going on about how the person is completely retarded, usually followed by agreements from hiveminded individuals who fail just as hard as they do.
Since there was no internet, the 90's was retard free of anything elitist in gaming. Until ofcourse, Sega's advertising campaign spawned the fanboy rage and the first actual console war. Then Sony came in promising awesome graphics, then Sega got their asses totally kicked and now there are MANY groups of hiveminded individuals who believe in the most fucked up religions ever to be invented.
Types of elitists
PC: The most pathetic kinds. They believe PC gaming is the way to go (for only two genres) and are most likely fans of WOW-- In that case they are most likely abiding by this because they can masturbate to their own elvish creations while practicing yaoi with other male players to stupid enough to realize it's a trap.
Purists: Gamers who believe games with shitty graphics are teh best gaems evar! Commonly fans of an old ass atari system or even worse, the friggin NES, they will skip a whole new generation just to buy games off of ebay that are no longer in production while not acknowledging that the wii is capable of playing all that old shit, and NEW games in the process. Gay for Super Nintendo, they will never play newer games, fearing they will be corrupted by the awesome graphic processors and submit to Playstation 3's mind fucking visuals and become the "casuals".
Fighting Gamers: The type that blindly believes they kept a single genre alive because they played something else besides SF2, meaning they were retarded enough to buy a Neo Geo. Usually considered tourneyfags, these types will pick a fight with anyone that says "lets all be nice". They live to be the best and only the best and will remind everyone of the same shit regardless of whether it's on topic or not. It is uncommon to find them respecting the comments of "exploits are not the way" and will create an essay of at least 4 paragraphs explaining the greatness that is "Pro Gaming", most of which will end with a statement saying how much the above user fails less than them.
2D Purists: Unlike the above, 2D purists are specifically the more pathetic kind. They believe that games with 3D graphics (period) fail harder than those in an X and Y axis. Usually spawned from many who have been screwed over by the latest sonic games, they have adapted this mentality to all franchises and has even gone to declare FF7 to be the worst game in the series (if not all of gamedom). However, this reaches it's limit when regarding nintendo games, where as they deny that they are addicted to Mario Galaxy and The legend of Zelda: Over Rated of Time (OROT). IGA is a perfect example of "2D Purism".
Graphic Whores: Gamers who will buy the consoles with the most 1337 graphics ever. The prettier the picture, the higher chance it will be purchased. They will buy any tv that supports HD and any device that will convince companies to ditch DVD and move over to Blu-Ray for HD quality graphics, meaning Sony is going to win this new console war like they said. They buy cables, tv,s even new laptop screens and the latest nvidia graphics cards to get the full visual experience. Usually spawned from fans of DOA extreme beach volley ball because the graphics made them splooge themselves for the first time they've played any game since the announcement that Halo was getting a sequel.
Defense Mechanisms
During the age of 2002, many elitists these days have become sensitive to the many rational comments made about them. To survive the horrible onslaught of anal, they have used redundant tactics to encourage the fact that their ideals are not wrong:
- "Thats just your opinion"
- See the above
- Dependency upon hivemind to win an argument.
- "About that tourneyfag comment, yes I am better than you"
- Fanboy remarks.
- Bringing up outdated facts to support their mentalities during a flamewar.
- " tired of this pointless fighting. Lets agree to respect each other's opinion, even though your's is and always will be wrong"
- Huge ass essays.
Usually, all arguments all end with a casual topic locking or banning of said failure at life. But in the end, everyone will forget the debate and live with their lives so there is no point ever in fighting in the first place. But Elitists have that urge for a debate, and usually leave with the thoughts of owning someone online.