Nation- the Kingdom of Hyksos

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Details vary with setting.

Although in most settings Hyksos is at a roughly medieval state of technology, its timeline does change depending where it's used. In the Moritania-Britonia War, it is a technologically advanced nation.

General info:





The climate of Hyksos is temperate in the south and gets colder as you progress further north, going from temperate to taiga to subarctic. The Northern Sea freezes during the winter months, but thaws enough in the summer to allow shipping to pass.


The Kingdom of Hyksos is split into 8 provinces, each ruled over by a Governor, who is appointed by the King from one of the noble houses. The provinces are:

Hyksos Province

Hyksos Province- The original kingdom. Centuries ago, the people of Hyksos conquered their neighbours, making the modern country. The seat of government and the richest province. Home of the world's second largest temple to Cruach.

Temple Province

Owned by the Great Temple of Cruach. Not required to pay taxes like the other provinces. Provides the Hyksos Army's best troops. Religion is entirely Cruachist.

Northern Province

Snow, rocks and trees. Was invaded mainly to stop raids into Hyksos territory and attacks on shipping by bands of natives. Northerners considered 'barbarian savages' by most other people. Many Northerners join the Hyksos Army, where they are often used as skirmishers and berzerkers. Northerners are highly loyal to their clans and value honour and glory highly. The poorest province.

Helvinthona province

A province. Nothing special.

Erycya Province

Mainly agricultural.

Itium Province

The location of most of Hyksos' iron mines.

Silberneslund Province

Name means 'land of silver'. Source of virtually all Hyksos silver. The second richest province.

Ostkaste Province

The East coast of Hyksos. There are a couple of large ports in this province. Its main industries are fishing, whaling and piracy. Despite the risk of being attacked by pirates, many traders frequent the ports. Hyksos Navy ships are available as escorts, but these come at a high price for any ship not being used for official Hyksos purposes. Silver from Silberneslund Province is often taken here by road or river and then either sold to traders in the ports or stored until summer, when the Northern waters are passable, then taken to the treasury in Hyksos city.

Hyksos Army

10 men per squad. Squads commanded by corporals or sargeants. 5 squads per company. Companies commanded by captains. (50 men) 2 companies per centum. Centii commanded by majors (100 men) 10 centii per regiment. Regiments commanded by colonels. (1000 men) 10 regiments per legion. Legions commanded by generals. (10000 men)

If more than 1 legion is ooperating in the same region and the King is not present, the senior (in experience) general commands.


100 copper pennies = 1 silver mark. 50 marks = 1 gold crown.


Many deities are worshipped in the world. Some have worldwide followings, others are only worshipped by single isolated villages. Some of the main deities worshipped in Hyksos are:

Cruach, god of war and suffering. Usually depicted as a humanoid form made of smoke and flames.

Maeros, god of the sea. Usually depicted as a whale or a grey-bearded old man.

Aujana, goddess of love, fertility and healing. Usually depicted as a beautiful woman.

Lirali, deity of lies and deception, but also of truth and justice. Usually depicted as a genderless humanoid with a male face on one side of the head and a female face on the other, carrying a set of scales and a blowpipe.

Tabor, god of smiths and industry. Usually depicted as a red-bearded dwarf.

Chachot, deity of the underworld. Usually depicted as a corpse or skeleton.

Dunu, goddess of agriculture and peace. usually depicted as a cow or a pretty fat woman garlanded with leaves.

Pyyal, goddess of weather. Usually depicted as a white-haired woman with glowing eyes.


Hyksos is ruled by the King. Many of the major churches and noble houses have influence in his court, and therefore in the country at large. The amount of administration actually done by the sovreign varies depending on who is in power.

When one king expires, his children must compete with any general or senior politician in a series of trials. The victor then becomes the new ruler.

Hyksos is bordered to the south by the Kingdom of Sardarus, the Tsengel Republic, and the lands of the Albatrini. Relations with Sardarus and Tsengel are currently for the most part friendly. The Albatrini tribes on the other hand are old enemies of Hyksos, and both nations attack each other from time to time, the Albatrini horsemen staging fast raids into Hyksos lands and Hyksos sending its legions into the Albatrini steppe in retaliation.

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