Champions of Temura RP- Ghechaghat
From Cheezs Wiki
Name: Ghechaghat
Age: 44
Race: Ettin
Looks like this guy but his ears are more rounded and he doesn't have the elbow spikes. Nor does he have the tattoo. He stands at 13'4, weighs in at 5,231 pounds and has mottled dark grey skin.
Powers/skills/abilities: Is really freakin' strong, has regenerative abilities and has good senses. As the two heads take turns sleeping, is always alert. Highly competent fighting with two weapons. Can be a cunning fighter, preferring to ambush his foes.
Weaknesses: pretty damn dumb (Although twice as smart as an average Troll due to having two brains) and the two heads often argue with each other. He smells pretty bad too, which could be a problem if ambushing someone with a good nose from downwind.
Notable Items: Two massive clubs, one similar to this, one just a tree trunk with the branches cut off. The roots have been cut off leaving short spikes, which allow the trunk to serve as a crude morningstar or maul.
Ghechaghat was born and raised in the Tangle. For pretty much his entire youth, he and his clan had to fight to stay alive, defending themselves against the many foes and monstrosities found in that twisted jungle. He would probably have lived there his entire life if it weren't for the events that took place one day when he was 29. A band of slavers, mainly Humans with several Trolls, attacked his camp. Trolls and Ettins would fetch a high price due to their massive strength. Although the Ettins fought well, killing a good number of slavers, they were eventually all either killed or captured. They were caged and put on carts which took them to Aldland, where the slavers sold them on. Ghechaghat was bought separately from his friends and was transported to a silver mine in the northeast region of the country. He was forced to toil underground for three years, during which time he never gave up hope of escape. A plan was hatched by some of the smarter miners, and at the agreed time the entire workforce rioted. They overwhelmed the guards and fled. Ghechaghat armed himself with a pair of clubs fashioned from wood taken from a copse, and he and a small band of ex-slaves wandered the countryside. After several weeks on the run, Ghechaghat and his fellow escapees were found and hired by The Reaping Titans, a mercenary band commanded by Gudred Bloodaxe, a human originally from Ceneria. Ghechaghat remained with the Titans for the next twelve years, proving his worth many times.