
From Charas Project

Revision as of 20:15, 27 June 2008 by Lilsniffs3 (Talk | contribs)
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Join Date Aug 2007
Status Active
Position Hero Member
Birthday September 1st, 1997
Gender Male
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Lilsniffs3, previously Lilsniffs, is a frequent member on the forums. He is the youngest member on Charas.



Super Uber Cool Forum Stuff!

The Beginning of the Sniffly One

Lilsniffs joined the forums the first day he started RPG Maker 2003. He started a multiplayer project called Superstars. It was a multiplayer fighting game. EVERYONE said that he was to lazy for it. So he stopped it.He made a new topic with 3 games, but everyone started arguing, and dropped them all.

Afterwards, he got addicted to Kingdom Hearts. He was going to drop the forums, but came back on his birthday, due to the fact on his birthday he got Soul Calibur 3, he came back. However, he forgot his password, and since Charas couldn't retrieve his password, he made a new account under the name Lilsniffs3. Archem said that he didn't know him. (He views All of All more than Games.)

Apparently he missed a Lord Waffles "attack". Shame, shame.

Off Topic Spammage!!!

Not really.

As Lilsniffs3, he viewed topics lots in All of All, Forum Gaming, and Unmoderated. He post lots, too. Then his post count reached 100 in a few days. When he reached 150 posts, he only posted in topics that were needing it.

In May 2008, he left Charas for Youtube.

In late June, he came back.

Other Stuff That is Uber Cool


Lilsniffs original avy was a generated face. Lilsniffs3's first avy was the same. Lilsniffs3's next was a sprite of Cloud. For the mayor elections, he had a sprite of himself.

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