From Charas Project
Cherko joined Charas in May 2007. He has posted sporadically ever since, but is a fairly unknown member to this day. His primary talent is the ability to create music, both in .midi format and .mp3. His music, just like all of his creations, is generally very experimental and requires an open mind.
Cherko regards himself as a fan of "avantgarde games" and most of his projects are anti-games; Games with the sole or partial purpose of breaking as many gaming rules as possible. His only solid contribution is REVNGE OF SWORDES GUY, a game for Drakyith's Crappiest Game Ever contest. The contest was never concluded, but the game was fairly well-recieved as an utter crapfest. The game was essentially a puzzle disguised as an RPG, and one of the puzzles required the player to make use of an intentional glitch, and others tricked the player through infinite loops. Other notable features include a headache-inducing soundtrack (This music makes me want to nuke a city, it really does - Drakyith) a storyline that makes absolutely no sense, Pikachu monsters named Puckodum (This is like some kinda crazy-*** ******* circus pizza Pokémon hell - Drakyith) lots of misspellings and glitches. After beating the final boss, the player achieves Nirvana, the screen fades black, but the music keeps playing. By pressing the action button again, you can fight the final boss as many times as you want, but the screen stays black and there is no other ending than the Nirvana ending.
A sequel to REVNGE OF SWORDES GUY was started, but it's currently on hold for an unspecified amount of time. An early beta-tester never made it through the very beginning.
Cherko is currently taking a break from game making, and spends most of his spare time making electronic music under the name Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.