Incredible Edible Egg Monster

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The Real Rubyrulez Episode 13

Rex mutates an egg, which hatches into a monster, who in turn harms Ruby. Meanwhile, Brooks points out almost everything wrong with TRR, and bakes lemon squares to boot!

Cast (in order of appearance): Rubyrulez, Con, Mole and Bill, Brooks, Rex, Egg Monster, Georgia

Places: Ruby's House, Rex's Laboratory, Hospital Room

Page Title: "Incredible Edible Egg Monster" - Brought to you by the good folks at BTV

Running Time: 5:21

Date: June 25, 2006


[edit] Transcript


{Roll opening credits, then black screen. Cut to Ruby in his house.}

RUBYRULEZ: Today’s been really quiet! Generally something wacky happens around here, like a zany holiday special without snow, which is explained by the fact that we live in Florida! HA! And you thought we we’re gonna pull a Simpsons on you, now didn’t you?

{Cut to Con, who is standing next to Ruby. Ruby grows wide-eyed, and his right pupil falls out of his eye}

CON: Yeah, you’re telling me!

RUBYRULEZ: How’d you end up in here? {Cut to Ruby on a red background. The words "Battle Formation" appear on screen.} EVERYONE! BATTLE FORMATION

{Cut to Mole and Bill.}

MOLE: What is this? Jetix? We don’t do battle formations. What we do, however, is birthday parties and bar mitzvahs. Right Bill?

BILL: I don’t even understand why I’m here anymore! It’s like I can’t escape you or any of these other idiots!

{More Soon.}

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Trivia

  • The name of this episode may be a play off of the Egg market's campaign slogan 'The Incredible Edible Egg'.
  • This episode may contain parts from a person on the forum's script (who is known as Brooks) that was entered in the script contest.
    • A majority of the script will still be used.
  • Brooks voices himself in this episode.

[edit] Real-World References

  • Mole and Bill are obvious parodies of Joel and Phil.

[edit] Episode Description

  • After Rex creates a mutated Egg Monster, it decides to become friends with Ruby, or does it? A mysterious stranger from another town unflamingly points out the shows flaws...maybe...

[edit] External Links

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