Takes Two to Know One

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It must hurt, being on fire and all

The Real Rubyrulez Episode #6

While discussing the ratings that TRR got over the last few episodes, Ruby, Munchy and Rex run into D. Edley, who teases them. Ruby threatens to form a resistance against him.

Cast (in order of appearance): Lisa, Georgia, Rubyrulez, Munchy, Con, Rex, D. Edley

Places: Crappy Animation HQ, Sonnet Town

Page title: "Takes Two to Know One" or "How I learned to stop whining and start resisting."

Running time: 5:41

Date: October 24, 2005


[edit] Transcript

{Due to a delay in the reciept of Munchy's lines, TRR Episode 6 will proceed without them. They will be edited in on arrival. Sorry for the inconvenience. (HAHA, you get to read lousy subtitles.)}

{Roll opening credits}

{Cut to a shot of the CAS HQ. After the music stops playing, cut to Lisa and Georgia.}

LISA: Hi there, one and all. My name is Lisa!

GEORGIA: And, I’m Georgia, and I rule!

{Cut to a close-up of Lisa}

LISA: You sure do…anyway, tonights TRR episode will be delayed a bit, for reasons unknown.

{Cut to a close-up of Georgia}

GEORGIA: Don’t ask me, I don’t know why!

{Cut back to a shot of Lisa and Georgia.}

RUBYRULEZ: {off-screen} It’s because they have no lines!

LISA: {angry} Shut up Ruby, that’s not the reason why!

RUBYRULEZ: {off-screen} Oh, then what’s the reason?

LISA: {confused} I…I don’t know…Oh, quit confusing me!

RUBYRULEZ: {off-screen} Just roll the episode!

LISA: {angry} Fine!

{Cut to the 'Film Rolling" screen. After a few seconds, cut to the Title Card. It reads "Ruby, Munchy and Rex in: Takes Two to Know One. The episode that was delayed because the girls weren't in it.}

{Blank Screen}

{Cut to a shot of Sonnet Town. After the music, cut to Ruby and Munchy.}

MUNCHY: Aren’t we off to pay Con a visit?


MUNCHY: Well, you know, we were going to pay Con a visit for selling me those fake tickets.

{There is a pause, the words "Dramatic Pause" appear on the top of the screen.}

MUNCHY: You know what I mean?

RUBYRULEZ: Ah, you mean the events we accomplished 4 EPISODES AGO!

{A tiny portion of Con's head appears onscreen.}

CON: I still have that black eye!

RUBYRULEZ: Ge...get out of here!

{Con's head disappears, and are replaced with the words "Poof, say bye :)}

RUBYRULEZ: Man, that guy will do anything for screentime, even if it means selling cold beers to the cameramen. It’s pathetic!

MUNCHY: How pathetic?

RUBYRULEZ: Very much so!

{Rex appears from the bottom of the screen.}

REX: Hey guys, I’m back from the dead!

{Munchy's eyes widen in shock.}

MUNCHY: You were dead?!

{Munchy's wide eyes begin to float into the air, revealing his normal eyes. Soon, the wide eyes disappear, being replaced by the word "Gone."}

RUBYRULEZ: Man, this show infringes copyrights left and right!

REX: What do you mean?

RUBYRULEZ: Well, I mean, coming back from the dead. At least you don’t die every episode.

REX: Ruby, it’s called referencing other shows. Deal with it!

{Ruby, Munchy and Rex suddenly appear in a new part of town. The words "A Different Location" appear on screen.}

RUBYRULEZ: Well, our combined ratings are in from the first five episodes.


RUBYRULEZ: Not good!

REX: You’d figure half of America would love us by now! How many people watched the first five?

{Rubyrulez holds up a blank piece of paper. The number 5 draws itself on the paper, and the words "Hey, remember Ghostwriter?" appear on screen.}


{The arm of D.Edley flies over from the left side of the screen and hits Rex in the face. Soon, D. Edley appears on the right, the words "Dramatic Reveal" appear on screen.}

REX: {angry} Hey, watch where you’re standing, Robotnik!

{Pause. Ruby, Munchy and D. Edley look at Rex.}

RUBYRULEZ: Well, we gotta reference something to stay fresh.

MUNCHY: Who are you?

{Cut to a closeup of D. Edley}

D. EDLEY: My name is D. Edley, and I am your sworn enemy, because you are retarded!

{Cut back to a shot of Ruby, Munchy, Rex and D. Edley}

RUBYRULEZ: Ooooooooook...

D. EDLEY: I have come to wreck havoc across the entire town, destroying all that is weak and pitiful.

RUBYRULEZ: Who wrote a villain into the show?

{Cut to a close up of D. Edley.}

D. EDLEY: You did, because you’re retarded and stupid and ugly and…and nobody will ever love you, and you need to go crawling home to your mommy, because you’re retarded.

{Cut to an angry Rubyrulez against a fiery background.}

RUBYRULEZ: {angry} Heeeey, we’re people too, and as much as you’d like to call us retarded, we will prove you wrong my friend!

D. EDLEY: {off-screen} How, retard?

{Munchy and Rex appear next to Rubyrulez.}

RUBYRULEZ: My friends and I will form a resistance, and we will fight you to the bitter end!

D. EDLEY: {off-screen} Oh yeah? I’d love to see you try!

RUBYRULEZ: {angry} Watch us!

{Cut to a blue screen that reads "Due to FCC regulations, the ending has been cut.", and has a face with its tongue sticking out on the bottom. Cut back to Lisa and Georgia.}

LISA: Well, in the end, they were all pummeled.

GEORGIA: A very painful and gruesome sight!

{Cut to a close-up of Lisa.}

LISA: Now, none of them can come on camera for weeks, because their ugly faces would break all of the cameras, and cause millions of dollars in equipment damage!

{Cut to a close up of Georgia.}

GEORGIA: And that’s why the episode was delayed!

{Cut back to the shot of Lisa and Georgia.}

RUBYRULEZ: {off-screen} Yeah right, it’s because you got no screentime!

D. EDLEY: {off-screen} Oh yeah?

RUBYRULEZ: {off-screen} Eeep...

LISA: Good night everybody!

GEORGIA: Good night!

{Guitar music starts to play in the background. Cut to a shot of the CAS HQ. After a while, the music is stopped by a record scratch.}

{End Credits}

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Trivia

  • Saqr, the voice of Munchy wasn't able to finish his lines in time, so Munchy speaks through Subtitles.
  • This is the first episode where Ruby, Munchy and Rex appeared in the same scene AND had at least one line of dialogue each.

[edit] Inside References

  • "Ah, you mean the events we accomplished 4 EPISODES AGO!"
    • The entire exchange between Rubyrulez and Munchy is a reference to Alternative Freaks
      • The blue screen near the end is also a reference to this episode.
  • "I'm back from the dead!"

[edit] Real World References

  • "I'm back from the dead!"
    • Bonus Stage, a cartoon by Matt Wilson, was referenced here. The particular episode referenced was Virtual Apocalypse.
      • The intended reference is a reference to the show "South Park," where Kenny, one of the main characters, died in each episode and always came back in the next.
  • When the text above the cast says: "Hey Remember Ghostwriter" That was referencing the old Television show "Ghostwriter"

[edit] Episode Description

  • After Ruby, Rex and Munchy are Antagonized by the newest bully in town, they get together as a resistance and fight back.

[edit] External Links

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