From Canonwars
This is the page of Varis (offensive on LJ).
She is 1/3 of the Modly Mod Squad heading up Canonwars, the Resident Evil instigator, and the self-acclaimed 'scary mod'
She is 20 years old, a cashier at Target with delusions of grandeur and slightly OCD. She loves reading comics (Usually X-Men and Runaways, although she has been known to pick up the occassional Supergirl comic), playing video games, and long walks on moonlit beaches. If she doesn't remember your name for a while, don't worry, she'll figure it out eventually. She was one of the first (The other two being Kacee and Brit) of what is now known as the REheads (although Ramen is the one who officially dubbed the name) and was the first of the Losties, heading up Kate Austen.
She's been in the game since it's creation, and while she hasn't been a mod the whole time, she's always been very invested in helping with organization when and where it was needed, if the mods needed additional help. She is strongly of the belief that players should haul their weight too.
She's known to be heavily snarky, and sarcastic, and will occasionally say things that are totally opposite of what she actually means. Don't be offended by her harsh nature, it's just the kind of person she is. And while she realizes she does come across sometimes as a total and utter bitch, she's not about to change because some people just don't "get" her. Aformentioned 'Scary mod' remember?
To contact her:
Aim: harder to kill
email: claire[at]
Contents |
Video Games
- Lucia from Devil May Cry
- Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7
- Fuujin Kazeno from Final Fantasy 8
- Lenne from Final Fantasy X-2
- Leon from Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
- Kula Diamond from King of Fighters
- Claire Redfield from Resident Evil
- Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil
- Hannibal King from Blade:Trinity
- Megara from Disney's Hercules
- Zhen Lei from Mission : Impossible 3
- Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean
- Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars
- Michael Vaughn from Alias
- Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Simon Tam from Firefly
- Kate Austen from Lost
- Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist
- Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing
- Hestia Jones from Harry Potter
- Ron Weasley from Harry Potter
- Susan Bones from Harry Potter
- Raven from Teen Titans the Animates Series
- Kara Zor-El/Supergirl from DC Comics
- Gertrude Yorkes from Runaways
- Rachel Grey from X-Men
- Noriko Ashida from New X-Men
- Kevin Ford from New X-Men
- Sam Guthrie/Cannonball from X-Men
- Alison Blaire/Dazzler from X-Men
Previous RPGs
- Jesus from Clone University