
From Canonwars

The Force is Strong with this one

This is Ramen, who-as if she didn't have enough of a life with her myspace pages and her livejournal account now has a Wiki devoted to her life, such as it is. When not online she works at subway, fics, and spends an inordant amount of time at comic conventions. She enjoys Law Enforcement, Flying, Fiction, and Creativity. Pester at your own risk, she trains penguins to act as her personal bodyguards.

Quickly manipulated (It's a Good thing, trust us), Ramen's the paranoid one who sits in the back of the chat and giggles hysterically at the jokes. Lostie, ReHead, Coastguard recruit, Horror Film Freak, And Reader of the Funky Books. She likes the people she roleplays with (desperately) and likes making cutesy and kitty icons. She's a second Generation Fan (Which she takes excessive pride in) and has been attending the San Diego Comic Convention (The Largest Multimedia Convetion in the United States) Since she was three years of age and dressed as Junior Starfleet officer in training.

Ramen suffers from a deplorable excess of personality, brought on by years of seclusion and mental anguish caused by divorce, regardless of how common it is in California-Ramen's Home Base. While she'll talk until somebody tells her to shut up (strangely enough this hasn't happened yet), she's prone to fits of anxiety and nervousness, sometimes dropping from being UP to being down in the drop of a hat.

When not worried or anxious, Ramen is a fun-loving individual who will try anything once,offend you, curse the powers that be, and deliver longwinded lectures on the nature of her life and it's unique nature. (As she sees it). Approach with caution, subject has been known to talk ears off on the subject of history, science (particularly microbiology/virology) and fan-related works. She writes fanfiction, but she's sort of fallen out of it. (Sorry to say) most of it's humor, which gives a fascinating psychological insight into her as an individual.

Feel like contacting Her? The Board of Health advises against this. However, You have your rights.




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