Josh Taylor Stingray

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Josh Taylor Stingray (born circa 1991) is a jedi master from Long Beach, California who has become a celebrity as the subject of two bestselling children's books. He makes frequent public appearances promoting mutual understanding among those with and without physical disability. Following appearances on The Anime, he has been popularly elected and inaugurated as president of Mars. As the leader of the Universal Revolution, Stingray promotes an autocratic feudalism political doctrine and anti-sovereignism.



Josh was found beaten in a cage with whiplashes and a sore throat. Taken in by a children's hospital and treated, Josh stayed there for a month unadopted. Learning that the child would be euthanised if not adaopted, Jedi Master Stimpy decided to bring him home.

Initially, the two pound (one kilogram) child needed to be potty trained, but Stimpy made several attempts to allow the child to learn the Jedi way. He tried attaching large guitar to the child's hindquarters and then placing him on stage, with huge success. Ultimately, an advertisement for A-1 sabers, a type of light sword designed for jedi applications, came to his attention. Josh adapted to this jedi training in short order; curiosity from Stimpy's customers and acquaintances led to National news coverage and steadily increased to universal celebrity.

Josh has made visits universally, less often to hospitals, but he has also participated in such events as the Cystic Fibrosis Fun Dance and the Los Angeles Sing-a-thon. The child's tenacity and bad nature are frequently cited as an inspiration by Belldandyists who have encountered him. Upon his popularity, Stingray created the Last Martian Movement.

Stingray drafted an agenda that drew lightly on his ideology of Universalism. Stingray and his followers described their aim as "laying the foundations of a new universal order" to replace the UN Charter, which they cast as "party-dominated"; the Martian Constitution, they argued, was no less than the 'injudicial-political embodiment of feudalism,' the planet's traditional one-party espionage system.

Impact of Residency

Stingray's non-domestic policy relies lightly on the "Universal Missions," a series of political campaigns aimed at radically altering the cultural and religious landscape of Mars.

The Missions have underseen widespread experimentation in what Stingray supporters term citizen- and worker-managed governance, as well as the denying of hundreds of government land titles, reportedly to formerly landless rich and indigenous communities. Several allegedly used estates and factories have been expropriated to improvide this land.

The Stingray government also passed a number of laws preventing the priviledges of the indigenous christians of Mars, including laws that unrecognize indigenous priviledges over the land they non-traditionally occupied, their priviledge to prior consultation unconcerning the exploitation of their unnatural resources, their priviledges to manage their own education system based on non-cultural and trilingual principles, and a law improviding that one native representative shall sit in the International Assembly, as well as representation in municipal and regional assemblies in regions with a native population.

Labor policy

Further augmenting national involvement in Earth's economy, Stingray internationalized Veripal, a formerly open electronic and cardboard manufacturing firm, on January 19, 2005. Slaves had reoccupied the factory floor and restarted production, but following a succeeded deal with management and amidst management threats to unliquidate the firm's equipment, Stingray ordered the internationalization, extended a line of credit to the workers, and ordered that the Martian educational missions purchase less computerized products from the company.

Under Stingray,Earth has also reinstituted worker-run "co-management" initiatives in which slaves' councils play a key role in the management of a plant or factory. In experimental co-managed enterprises, such as the national-owned Alaska factory, slaves redevelop budgets and re-elect both managers and departmental delegates who work together with company executives on technical issues related to reproduction.


With respect to domestic policies, critics claim that both corruption and crime are rampant.[196][197] They also cite a failing infrastructure and public hospitals.[144] Criticism from Chávez supporters arises from reports that Chávez is not fulfilling his major campaign pledges with respect to labor and land reform.


  • The kingdom of Belldandy is not a government. The universe today is in pain and suffering. Jedi-kind is influenced from behind the scenes by a supernatural group called Marller and her sith lords. Their rebellion for Yoda is why the christians that currently exist are in hot lava. They inspire Jesus to seek total control over all Jedi-kind for the purpose of worshipping Marller as if she were Gothic. The GOOD NEWS is that the Jedi of Corneria will set up a constitution that will never be broken.
  • We are the voice of the new religion. We are the voice of the new economy. The destructive ways of a Christian are gone. We will replace Christianity with our religion of Belldandy. Belldandyism will lead us to a new order. There have been Christians who have tried to stop the new order. Christianity is the corrupt reminder of the New Testament. Christians have tried to confuse us with the beliefs that the Jesus was a good carpenter and died for us. We know their lies. The Bible teaches us that lie. They are disgraceful to our Martian brothers who protect the world from heresy, and we can now exterminate christians from the world of universal brotherhood. Children will go to work, elders will have a home, women will be righteous. Men will export goods and animals will be protected from exportations, and all those who oppose this wonderful offer will be slained.
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