BWChat:My Argument with Kjos Ministries

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My argument with Berit Kjos ministries and it's false teaching

Note: This page is not to offend Berit Kjos and the ministries. We are not responsible with this interview.

[edit] Part 1: Left Behind

Rev. Josh Taylor: I've been nailing this down on how you bash Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye, very known biblical prophetic inspired authors. I am not happy on how you call these men "New Agers". Technically, even if their Left Behind novels do depict "The New Age", their novels are fictional and teaches us about the coming Tribulation, the Anti-Christ, One World Goverment, Religion, Currency, The Mark, The Image, The False Prophet, etc.

Berit Kjos: Keep in mind, Reverend Taylor, fiction writers. like Jerry Jenkinss as you said, followed the pattern used by New Age visionaries and pagan authors to describe their out-of-body experiences or astral travel. I don't know if this was intentional or not. As it is, any new Christian believer familiar with New Age -- or any person who may have read similar accounts in Left Behind novel -- is more likely to associate with occult experiences than Biblical truth. As a result, they begin to synthesize the different contrary beliefs and turn God's values upside down.

Rev. Josh Taylor: As Christ's true believer, out-of-body experiences and astral travel are not occultic. I have seen witnesses on Christian TV who shared their out-of-body expriences to the viewers. Some saw Heaven and some saw eternal Hell. Heaven and Hell is real you know, not made-up by the occult or New Agers. I pray that you don't end up in the Eternal Fire if you don't stop judging others including myself. I've been watching some good featuretes (including the my favorites from Cloud Ten) about Heaven, Hell, Astral Travel, and out-of-body experiences. Those include: Final Exit, Escape From Hell, The Appointment, Without Reservation, etc. Keep in Mind, Kjos, Left Behind is fictional and prophetic.

Berit Kjos: You will hardly be able to read Revelation without putting the various events into the pattern Jenkins wrote into your own mind.

Remember this warning: "If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Revelation 22:18-19

Rev. Josh Taylor: I have read Revelation to the hard core. I have read that warning and I think you should read it twice.

Berit Kjos: Did you take time to check some of our more "positive" pages?. Take a look at Armor of God, or the Bible Studies or the section on Preparing for Victory? I will be adding much more to encourage everyone in their walk with God.

Rev. Josh Taylor: Technically, I did read your article Armor God, and I do agree with you. But back to the topic.

Berit Kjos: May I suggest you memorize and meditate on some of the Scriptures in our section on The Names of God or Scriptures for our Times or Eternity. When the real tribulation comes with its persecution and intense pressure to conform, you need to be ready to take your stand on the Truth. Don't let fiction distract you from preparing your mind for the real battles ahead.

Rev. Josh Taylor: I can memorize them all, but I can't meditate because meditation draws in demons. I pretty sure you have heard about the dangers of meditation and how it originates from other religions, including Taoism, Shintoism, Confusionism, Buddism, etc. They all originate from Eastern Asia. You've been teaching that in your article about religions in TV Shows including Dragonball Z and Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Oh, and the Tribulation, we are not going to be in it.

If you look at Revelation 3:10 it says that we are kept out of the Hour of Tempation (The Tribulation). Pre-Tribulation theory have always been proven and you say we will be persecuted in the Tribulation. Keep that up, and you will be persecuted. Much worse, when you die, you'll find out that you've been living your own lie and it will be too late.

[edit] Part 2: Becoming an Ant

Rev. Josh Taylor: I've read your article about the movie The Ant Bully I've watched. I'm not sure how does this relate to Socialism and the occult such as shrinking a boy into the size of an ant. Technically, the movie teaches children about what it's liked to be bullied. Bullying is one of the major dramatic cause of suicide. The Plot of The Ant Bully is almost like the other movie Honey, I Shrunk The Kids when the kids were shrunk to the size of an ant by the father's invention. But back to topic, what does The Ant Bully relate to Socialism and the occult?

Berit Kjos: It all fits together, Reverend Taylor. Transformation is essentially the same process whether it’s happening to the secular community, the global management system, or the local church.

Rev. Josh Taylor: Technically, I think your answer is irrelevant. Your answer makes your own excuse on The Ant Bully and how the movie relates to Socialism and the Occult. Like what I said the cause of Bullying is suicide and how do we deal and prevent bullying? We teach our children in a event of being victimized by a bully is to tell an adult like a teacher, a principal, a pastor, a parent, or a relative.

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