BWBooks: Shin Chan's Book of Apologies/Apology Chapter 5
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Dear Mitchi and Yoshi:
I'm sure you're mad and upset for all of the terrible things that I've done and you may wonder why I'm gone.
You're truly are a good couple. I know that, and you know that. I've tried to be a nice person and help out your marriage problem. Maybe you gave me advice or help out at the Broken Apartments.
I know you as well as I know myself. I grew up as a terrible boy, where I was accused for vandalizing the 2nd Grade bathrooms. It took me hours to clean up everything, but the proof is in my actions. Look around you. Am I still around? Of course not!
I understand consequences that have kept me from being forgiven. Well, I wasn't, and you know that and I wouldn't be here for this.
I like you both so much, I want to apologize, if only you'll let me! My life has gotten so much worse since I turned my life around. It's been difficult at times since no one is there for me. I've been hungry, homeless, and hopeless. Please! Read the page on forgiveness, and what you need to do now. Confront me to show your forgiveness, and I will accept.
Your friend in sincerity,
PS - Look out for me in the alley!