BWBooks: Shin Chan's Book of Apologies/Apology Chapter 7

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Dear Georgie,

If you're reading this, then I've ran away because of my shameful self. I'm sorry I tormented you. I'm sorry I didn't do more to spread sincerity to you, or to demonstrate the apology of it by example in the way I lived my life. But I've always been a jerk, and a sinner. I'm the first to admit I was never polite. I've failed so many times. I've only managed to survive this long because I wish to apologize and find the comfort and joy to become a better student. I know I never did anything right to deserve my punishment, but somehow through sincerity found me. As you read this letter, I hope I can give you the encouragement to forgive me.

The first step is forgiving. But nothing I can say or do can force you to forgive me. Like so many things in life, it's just one of those truths that has to reveal itself to me over time, if you are able to handle it. It's a common saying that people can't accept forgiveness when it's directed to them, and that the only thing that makes the apology hard to swallow is the thrill of self-discipline. Don't spend so much effort looking for apologies, but rather look to your own forgiveness, and deep within your own heart. Somewhere inside you, deep within, you eventually will come to know with all certainty the truth behind the teachings in forgiveness. The truth of apology is self evident. Forgiveness is the only way.

The second step is seeking sincerity to change your old life. But don't assume that I'm not obligated to help you. I honestly feel that I'm not worthy. Please try to put others needs ahead of your own.

If you have followed the above steps, you will have come a long way toward understanding forgiveness. I apologize if I have offended you for the tone of my letter being instructional in a perverted sort of way. I don't pretend to have all the answers, because even where I am now I am learning every day. If you know the way to the ally, then you came this far. If you can go a little farther then perhaps we will meet again when we cross paths. I like you. I miss you and wish for you every day.



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