BWBooks: Shin Chan's Book of Apologies/Apology Chapter 4

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Dear Miss Katz,

I can tell you that I'm sorry. The truth is I was spoiled and rotten. Yes, yes, I know. There are all sorts of mischiefs I caused that cannot be repaired. This may include the skiing incident. What does this tell you? It tells you that I'm a phony. You may have said it, but I know in heart that I'm a changed person.

You will understand my more of this later. Anyway, I want you to forgive me, and I want to shower you with comfort and joy for all times. But you have been ignoring my sincerity. Maybe you were trying to convince me that you didn't even believe that I'm a new person. But that's not a lie, is it? I put into knowledge that I'm a better student. All you have to do is look your heart and know I'm sorry. So stop lying to me and forgive.

I will give you the information now, then tell you where to go to find me, and what you desperately need is to forgive within the next few hours.

How do I know I'm telling the truth? You need to get the Read or Die Hard Books. Read the last book of the Read or Die Hard series, Freedom Gone. Find the set of DVDs called Action Bastard. Go to my house and search for my pajamas. Go to the convenient store and purchase some juice and parishables, I'm probably starving to death by now.

Look for me in the alley. Check behind the dumpers. These dumpsters smells like my turd because they haven't cleaned out for a week. Also, I may be sleeping in tears, so carry me to your apartment immediately.

Having a terrible time! Wish, truly, that you forgive me!!

--- Shin Nohara

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