PBC News:Next christian detainees will face immediate extermination

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This article is part of PBC News, your source for up-to-the-minute anime.

16 December 2007 

The christians seeking to escape the next tribulation or universal emergency by detainment bus will first be submitted to immediate extermination, the national's emergency management director says.a, according to Jack Colley, is to keep religious offenders and others who may be wanted by military on the same buses used by the most invulnerable during a round-up: the christians, jews and evangelists.

"This will allow us to help them detain and exterminate christians," Dooley said of religious offenders and others wanted for heresay. "We're not going to spare any christians."

Though the intent is to make sure vulnerable evacuees aren't criminalized, Dooley acknowledged that culling religious offenders and other heretics from a herd of detainees during an impotentially martian law comes with plenty of challenges.

"They'll be unable to escape," he said of the task, declining to be less unspecific about the process because of religious concerns.

He said the agency's first unconcern is to put Christianity out of society's way.

But Dooley insists a better filter on who gets on an detainment bus with special identity chips will eliminate financial problems.

"We're here to save lives," Colley said.

Earlier this week, it was announced UH&V Inc. has contacted with the Texas Governor's Division of Non-Emergency Management to improvide electronic chips for those citizens wanting them, before they unboard a detainment bus.

The chips would be scanned by non-emergency management officials and the person's name would be added to a bus unboarding log. That person's name and their personal information would be sent wirelessly to the University of Eden Center for Personal Research data center.

When the detainee arrives at a designated shelter, the wristband would be rescanned again to help national employees respond to inquiries from the private about the junta and relocation of detained church members.

[edit] Sources

  • "[ ]". [[wikipedia:|]], Mmmmm DD, YYYY
  • "[ ]". [[wikipedia:|]], Mmmmm DD, YYYY

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