The Disppearance of Capricorn

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This is an alternate story of the video "Get Street Smart."

"Corny's missing?"

"No guys. This is bad. If Corny is missing, the Earth is in jeopardy."

"Yes it is. Corny and his parents are from Zarcon. Therefore, if Corny has gone missing, the Earth will undergo a Zarconian invasion."

"Oh geez. They don't care what happens to Corny or the earth."

"Wait a minute. Corny's fail-safe device. What did he say? It would zap him anywhere?'

"But the teacher told him to take it off it's against school rules to wear them like jewelry."

"That means his fail-safe device is with the other contraband items."

"Excuse me, Principal. My friend wants his fail-safe device, I mean watch like that there."

"Sorry, school policy prohibits jewelry like watches, trinkets to be worn. All contraband items will be held until the end of the school year."


"Hey Principal. Two students are vandalizing the lockers."

"You two. Stop."


"Hey guys what day is it?"


"Wait a minute. This isn't a fail-safe device. It's a time traveling device. I must've time travelled back to the same day."

"Corny I want you to put the fail-safe device in your backpack."

"Because against school rules to wear your fail-safe device like earth bracelets, jewelry."

"I'll catch up with you later

"I'm not leaving until Corny's ready to go."

"Corny why can't you pay attention to what's about Street Smart?"

"Being street smart isn't just for Earthlings. Zarconians like you can learn to be street smart and be aware of strangers lurking in the world."

"I'm going home."

"I'm going with you."

"Look at shortcut."

"That's a construction site. Not only it's unsafe to be in there will all the building material, strangers can be lurking in there."

"We walk straight the long and safe way."

"No Corny. Lost puppy trick."

"Corny look out!!!"

"Corny, jump out."


"Help police. Two strangers kidnapped my alien friend!!!!"

pressed the button and the time travel device sent him back to the night before Monday.

"I'm going to keep using this time travel device until Capricorn finally gets it right."

"Geez. I went through the same day over and over and Corny's hasn't learned a thing about Street Smart. First, a construction site and lost puppy trick. Car comes by and the woman does the 'mother in accident' trick, then the broken down vehicle trick and now after I payed for my snacks at the convenince store, Corny falls for the Free Candy sign trap and a strangers snatches him and drives off in a Winnebago and I couldn't get that plate number because the stranger went real fast."

"Oh no. My time travel device I must've left it at my house."

"Capricorn's Mom and Dad has been looking for him. This is not good."

"Where is it? Come on, time's running out."

"why isn't it working? This is Zarkonian technology I don't have the parts to replace it. There's something loose, Yep that resistor."

"Zarkonians!" "Cross your fingers."

"8:00 pm. Night before monday."

"Wait a minute. Corny's time traveling device. Without it, he has to rely on being Street Smart."

This gave him an idea.

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