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  • 14:10, 30 December 2022 ‎Chris Chan Jail Letters Archive/October 20, 2021 (hist) ‎[14,205 bytes] ‎ (Talk) (Created page with 'These are two Chris Chan Jail letters. they are both short from October 20 and 22. First, Chris Chan talks about the Akashic Records and having ADD, OCD, and Tunnel vision. The s…')
  • 13:43, 3 December 2022 ‎Yuichi Universe: Into the Kyo-Verse (hist) ‎[3,067 bytes] ‎ (Talk) (Created page with 'Yuichi Arima - 11 Years old. Moved from his home in Tokyo, now resides at his new apartment and headquarters of Arima Neurology and Tech Labs. He is the CEO, Neurologist and Tech…')
  • 23:34, 10 September 2022 ‎Chris Chan Jail Letters Archive/October 4, 2021 (hist) ‎[6,487 bytes] ‎ (Talk) (Created page with 'Hey, Kenneth, ① October 4, 2021 This is the Body of your, and my Soul Partner, Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu, speaking to you on her blessed behalf. I Know Everythi…')
  • 23:23, 10 September 2022 ‎Chris Chan Jail Letters Archive/October 3, 2021 (hist) ‎[2,295 bytes] ‎ (Talk) (Created page with 'Greetings, coupon11 and all, October 3, 2021 The last response I have received from thee was one that was most filled with bad vibes, yet I am not at all shaken. I tell you, onc…')
  • 23:11, 10 September 2022 ‎Chris Chan Jail Letters Archive/September 19, 2021 (hist) ‎[5,739 bytes] ‎ (Talk) (Created page with 'September 19, 2021 I have finally received fresh paper and envelopes, and I feel it advised to inform you of the following, All of which, as you may or will, you have my consent…')
  • 23:02, 10 September 2022 ‎Chris Chan Jail Letters Archive/August 20, 2021 (hist) ‎[585 bytes] ‎ (Talk) (Created page with 'Notice: I will need copies of Chris chan's letters. The upload feature doesn't work. Hey, everyone. I would very much appreciate paying off my jail debt. And being able to purc…')
  • 22:59, 10 September 2022 ‎Chirs Chan Jail Letters Archive (hist) ‎[529 bytes] ‎ (Talk) (Created page with 'This is the Chris Chan Letters archive for Sonichu Cwicki that has been blocked by Cloudflare and soon to be deleted from the internet Archive. == Jail Letters Index == * [[Ch…')
  • 14:21, 8 July 2021 ‎Haruhi and Noata POV (hist) ‎[8,447 bytes] ‎ (Talk) (Created page with 'Naota POV Haruhi pinned me to the ground. "Naota!! How old are you?!! You act like you're two years old!!! Time to stop being like a two year old!!!! Grow up, Naota!!!!" I fel…')
  • 12:50, 26 May 2021 ‎Yuichi Fooly Universe (hist) ‎[83 bytes] ‎ (Talk) (Created page with ' Mamimi: Is that your mom? --- Mamimi: Hey Ta-kun! Your student is here. ---')
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