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Revision as of 14:14, 12 February 2013 by (Talk)

Being an old fart, I have no idea who she is, so I had no prejudice going into it. I acaltluy don't like Sesame Street anyway, it just annoys me too much, so we don't watch it. Barney I can take, but Sesame Street I cannot, go figure... Anyway, she just looks kind of silly to me. I don't think her dress is appropriate for the sketch, but it is inappropriate like a tux would be on a guy, just the wrong sort of attire. It could cover her bosom more, but it's not a big deal IMHO. Jealous I am not, as when I am breastfeeding, I get humongous and my "sweater puppies" don't droop until I wean. If anything, I feel for her having to be that big her entire life, not just while she is breastfeeding. The fact is jumping, running, and so forth are not much fun when one is sized anything larger than a D. I'd love to be able to go braless once and awhile like I could before I had kids....

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