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Wow! Great to find a post koncknig my socks off!
Your post really makes me woendr if  a person can be on both sides of the fence.Side one: As a breastfeeding mommy, I've got a woendrful sense of "normalcy" and "meaning" to what boobs are, for, and should be. The ARE tools for sustenance, they ARE for babies - not just men, and they SHOULD BE viewed as natural and beautiful curves (or speed bumps, hee hee) to a woman's body.  This side agrees with you that her appearance needs to be viewed without regard for the sexuality that the world has deemed boobs to stand for. Boobs hanging out on anyone, anywhere, need to be viewed as natural body parts and not sexuality. Side two: As I get *gasp* older, the modesty, or lack thereof, in younger children today worries me. Because it would take a monstrous societal effort to re-create thinking about cleavage, breasts, and women....I woendr, should we be more conscious about developing modesty in the girls that WILL BE our future women? A respect for my body and with what regard sexuality and sensuality dictates how I choose to dress. A dress like Perry's brings attention to her chest and kids today have boobs and butt and muscles etc. shoved in their faces with the FULL intention of sex being served up. I have no jealousy toward her body, but I do worry about the perpetuation of sex and sexuality in our young starlets while we continue to pretend to "fight the fair fight" in business, home life, and responsibility. This is just a fight I've been having with myself for awhile now.  :)(I might copy and past these thoughts for a blog post. FYI.)

Revision as of 11:19, 12 February 2013

Your post really makes me woendr if a person can be on both sides of the fence.Side one: As a breastfeeding mommy, I've got a woendrful sense of "normalcy" and "meaning" to what boobs are, for, and should be. The ARE tools for sustenance, they ARE for babies - not just men, and they SHOULD BE viewed as natural and beautiful curves (or speed bumps, hee hee) to a woman's body. This side agrees with you that her appearance needs to be viewed without regard for the sexuality that the world has deemed boobs to stand for. Boobs hanging out on anyone, anywhere, need to be viewed as natural body parts and not sexuality. Side two: As I get *gasp* older, the modesty, or lack thereof, in younger children today worries me. Because it would take a monstrous societal effort to re-create thinking about cleavage, breasts, and women....I woendr, should we be more conscious about developing modesty in the girls that WILL BE our future women? A respect for my body and with what regard sexuality and sensuality dictates how I choose to dress. A dress like Perry's brings attention to her chest and kids today have boobs and butt and muscles etc. shoved in their faces with the FULL intention of sex being served up. I have no jealousy toward her body, but I do worry about the perpetuation of sex and sexuality in our young starlets while we continue to pretend to "fight the fair fight" in business, home life, and responsibility. This is just a fight I've been having with myself for awhile now.  :)(I might copy and past these thoughts for a blog post. FYI.)

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